11 Mar 2018

CEMS Talk: The Dark Side of Management

Successful management career - it's easy to imagine the bright side of it, but what does it actually take?
This time, at CEMS talks we want to address the questions that are usually kept to ourselves - how to learn to own and celebrate your success, if you always feel you could've done better? How to behave if your boss sees you as their own competition? Which myths are perpetuated by startups to retain dream employees in tough conditions and how to stand up for yourself? Is management consulting really a golden cage and how does it feel to leave?
The fellow CEMS alumni will openly share their experiences in an informal discussion, followed up with a dinner and drinks.

Many high achievers share a dirty little secret: Deep down they sometimes feel like their accomplishments are the result of serendipitous luck.

This psychological phenomenon, known as impostor syndrome, reflects a belief that, despite evidence that indicates you’re skilled and successful, you could’ve done even better. Success is rarely satisfying. But that’s neither productive nor healthy. Owning and celebrating achievements is essential if you want to avoid burnout, find contentment, and cultivate self-confidence.

We'll learn more about the impostor syndrome from Jan Neuberg Gemrich, ex-Googler and entrepreneur.

When: 20 March, 18:30.
Where: YMCA, Na Poříčí 1041/12, 110 00 Nové Město.
Registration: Register here.

on behalf of your CEMS Alumni Board Team
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