21 Apr 2010

Some pics from our events II

Here are some pics from our recent events.
The first two were taken during the Coaching with future leader event.

Richard - Katka - Petr

The other two come from the Origins of Pils – Pan-european event. Well, let's call them blurry (or cheessy).

Soft skills seminare poradane studenty

Drazi alumni, tentokrare si dovolujeme vas pozvat na dva seminare soft skill poradane studenty.

Milí CEMSáci a milé CEMSačky,

iKnow Club si Vás dovoluje pozvat na připravované semináře zabývající se oblastmi nových využití informačních technologií a moderních manažerských postupů. Přednášejícím bude renomovaný školitel a publicista Petr Mára, jenž vás na přelomu dubna a května provede násedujícími workshopy:
Getting Things Done - jak se zorganizovat aneb moderní time managementová metoda
  • Termín: středa 28. dubna 2010
  • Místnost: RB 211
  • Čas: 19:40 sharp
Keynote - jak se předvést v nejlepším světle aneb aktuální trendy v tvorbě prezentací
  • Termín: středa 12. května 2010
  • Místnost: viz stránky iKnow Clubu
  • Čas: 18:00 sharp
Budeme se těšit na vaši hojnou účast a věříme, že výstupy všech připravovaných workshopů budou přínosem pro váš každodenní studentský i osobní život. Další informace sledujte na webových stránkách iknow.vse.cz.

Tak co, prijdete?

Origins of Pils – Pan-european event

The CEMS Alumni Association Prague is proud to inform you it was the host of a pan european event – Origins of Pils, during the mid-April weekend.

Since Czechs are the biggest consumers of beer in the world, we decided to organise an event, where you could find out more about beer brewing and of course taste various types of beer and get to know Czech culture a bit.

The weekend started on Friday evening by visiting a Czech pub with over 200 beers on menu. On Saturday we had a lunch and an excursion in a micro brewery, we went to see the Krivoklat castle, where our most famous king Charles IV. was grown up, and we finished the day with a wonderful tour of the Pilsen brewery and with a dinner right in the brewery cellars where the beer used to maturate, with unlimited consumation of fresh, non fermented beer. On Sunday we finished the weekend with a brunch and sightseeing of Prague.

We would like to thank all participants for coming, especially to foreigners who did not give up when their flights have been cancelled!

Your CEMS Alumni Association Prague

Coaching with Future leader

On Monday, April 12th, another CEMS „Meet the...“ professional seminar took place. This time our guest was Miroslav Spousta, a coach from the Future leader project, a vice president of the Czech coaching association and a member of International Couch Federation.

During the seminar participants could find out what is coaching, which different approaches can you meet, how a coach works, how to choose the right coach for you, what to expect from him, etc.

We are glad such a big number of participants came, hope you enjoyed it and looking forward to seeing you on our next seminar: Questioning and listening skills (details coming soon).

Your CEMS Alumni Association Prague