28 Jul 2012

Business book summaries - subscription extended

It is our pleasure to inform that the business books summaries subscription for CAA paying members have been renewed.

By being a paying alumnus or alumnua you can get an access to both written and audio summaries from fields like
  • business biographies,
  • business strategy,
  • customer focus,
  • economics and finance
  • or personal growth.
Currently there are more than 1000 summaries of books from the last 20 years. Once you are a paiyng member you can easily downloand the books from your private zone at cems.org.

You can also read about other benefits of being a CAA member in one of our previous articles.

CEMS Alumni Association Prague Team - Vojta, Richard, Pája, Olča, Valča, Katka

20 Jul 2012

CEMS on twitter

Do you want to be informed about what is going in CEMS? There are quite many ways, for instance the CEMS magazine or messages from us - CEMS Alumni Association Prague - which from time to time inform you about the latest developments in CEMS.

However, there is one quicker way - the Twitter CEMS account. New messages covering the whole CEMS community appear there almost daily.

Let us share with you just a short selection of recent tweets:

We hope you will find the new communication channel attractive and convenient and join CEMS also on twitter.

Do you think there is something missing in the communication? Just let us know in the comment or write to Vojtech.

CEMS Alumni Association Prague Team - Vojta, Richard, Pája, Olča, Valča, Katka

18 Jul 2012

CEMS Alumni Networking Dinner, Prague

Let us invite you out for another evening event organized for CEMS Alumni community in Prague. This time, we would like to meet you in a pleasant restaurant, for decent three-course dinner with facilitated rotation around tables. During just one evening, you will get a chance to network with several Alumni working in similar field or position, sharing same professional values or having graduated in the same or other years.

CEMS Alumni Networking Dinner, Prague takes place on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at:
Restaurant La Boca, Truhlářská 1114/10, Prague 1, http://laboca.cz/.

Start at 19:30 (please try to be punctual)
We would like to ask you to fill in a registration form to reserve your seat at a table and allow us to facilitate the best possible networking experience and seating order for you. We will use the data from these forms to prepare interesting mix of Alumni at each table.

Short program:

19:30-20:15 – free welcome drink (alcoholic, non-alcoholic option) - get to know all participants of the event, find out who is an interesting contact for you

20:15-21:00 – 4 kinds of tapas starters served with home-made pita and focaccia bread – first seating arranged by event organizers (similar industries)

21:00-21:45 – main course (3 meals for your choice) – rotation of participants – change of seating arranged by event organizers (depends on mix of participants)

21:45-22:30 – desserts (2 desserts for your choice) – last rotation of participants – your own choice (it could be based on initial discussion during welcome drink or you can simply continue in previous interesting discussions)

Menu: http://bit.ly/NikgZQ

Places are available for up to 20 participants.

Price: 450 CZK + drinks (not included in price of the menu except for first free drink).

Alumni who paid their annual CEMS Alumni contribution for 2012 or lifelong paying members receive 50% discount on the event price (drinks excluded).

Registered participants would be notified about further plans for the networking dinner well in advance.
For any further questions, please contact the event organizer at olga.nydlova@gmail.com.

The first CEMS Alumni Networking Dinner is an event where you will have the chance to make most of being a CEMS alumnus/alumna. Looking forward to meeting and dining with you,

Yours sincerely

Oli, Vojta, Katka, Pája, Richard a Val
CEMS Alumni Association Prague Board team

8 Jul 2012

Main thoughts from the networking seminar

As you might now we had a seminar focused on networking two weeks ago.
A diverse set of speakers, some 20 alumni and an open discussion which continued after the seminar in a restaurant.

The speakers preparing for the discussion

The audience during the event...

...and afterwards

It is hard to collect and share all ideas mentioned, however I tried to put some of them on a poster-like picture. I hope you will find them useful and benefit from them. Just click on the picture to enlarge it.

Main ideas

I believe the networking issue is an interesting yet ambiguous one and therefore learning something new about it is just useful. Therefore I collected five articles you may want to read (with my short comments in brackets).
  1. 10 Tips for Successful Business Networking (maybe too general but useful, especially when you are just about to start thinking about real networking)
  2. 7 Tips for Networking (seven simple and common sense tips for networking during an event - I like this and the following article most from this selection)
  3. Networking for Introverts: 3 Tips for Success (being rather an introvert myself this article made me feel a bit more confident when it comes to networking)
  4. 4 Networking Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making (very, very simple - but always good to keep in mind)
  5. 7 Reasons Networking Can Be a Professional Development Boot Camp (go directly to page two to finad the reasons - no top tips but still quite useful)
I would like to thank to all speakers (Andrea Kralova, Zdenek Rudolsky, Jan Maly and Richard Hansko) for their contribution as well as to Honza Kubik and Thomson Reuters who provided the room for discussion and provided refreshment during as well as after the event.

We are looking forward to other professionally oriented events.


3 Jul 2012

Pojďte s CEMSáky do divadla

Je léto, práce je, aspoň doufám, trošku méně, a tak což vyrazit s ostatními cemsáky do divadla? Když tyhle akce organizovala Jana Dostálová (nyní již Maršálková), vždy se našla pěkná skupina a byl z toho pěkný večer.
Takže co jsme připravili protentokrát? Zveme Vás na letní kulturní zážitek na letní scénu souboru La Putyka ChapiteauX, představení Up End Down!

Jedinečná atmosféra, inspirativní fantazie, fyzikální zákony, které jsou vzdálené těm pozemským, silné emoce, jedinečný hudební zážitek znějící v uších ještě dlouho po představení – to je ChapiteauX – mimořádný projekt, u jehož zrodu stojí soubor Cirk La Putyka s partnerským festivalem Letní Letná, profesionálové a průkopníci v oblasti nového cirkusu.
  • Kdy? Čtvrtek 19.7. od 20h
  • Kde? Na Špejcharu, Praha 7
  • Za kolik? 499 Kč
Více informací na ChapiteauX.

Kdo si nechce nechat ujit toto kultovní představení, prosíme, rezervujte si svoje místo nejpozději do pondělí 9.7. 18:00 na adrese katerina.chodounska@cemsmail.org.

1 Jul 2012

Benefits of CEMS Alumni Association membership

Why should I pay my CEMS Alumni membership fee? Paying 60 EUR a year may seem too much for – what? We can bet you are not aware of all benefits that the membership can bring you.

Let us share with you all the benefits the membership brings to you.
Benefits on local level – or what you will get in Prague
  • Priority participation in events organized by CEMS Alumni Association Prague – if there is limited capacity the paying members will always be served first.
  • Reduced participation fee on local CEMS Alumni events – when possible paying members will pay reduced fee.

International benefits – or what you will get wherever you are

  • Free Access to EBSCOworld known database providing 1,540 full-text business magazines and journals, including publications in nearly every area of business including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, econometrics, economics etc.
  • Business Book Summariesportal providing comprehensive and concise summaries of best business books from the area of entrepreneurship, leadership, change management, personal development, social responsibility, marketing (offer valid until 30/06/2012 – but it may be prolonged)
  • Print version of the CEMS Magazine summarizing main news and achievement in the CEMS Community

  • Free downloads from WetFeet – insider guides focus on successful career (e.g. Negotiating your salary and perks, Careers with a conscience etc.) – more on-line.

  • Free Access to GoingGlobalportal focused on international career showing country profiles, contacts to local executive search, job offers all round the world.
  • Access to exclusive part of the Carrier Service Registration within the CEMS Database.
  • Access to CEMS Alumni on Knok – the home exchange network of CEMS Alumni enabling you to travel to other places and exchange your home with other CEMS members.
  • 20% reduction on Spanish course in Argentina and Urugay.
Last but not least – note that 20 EUR from every membership paid is sent back to the Local Committee which can then use for reduced fees or any other purpose.

Interested to join?
Then login into: CEMS web portal, where you can directly pay the annual fee of 60 EUR or become a lifelong member for 600 EUR.

We are happy to assist you in case of any questions.

Sincerely Yours,

CEMS Alumni Board Czech Republic – Vojta, Richard, Pája, Olča, Valča, Katka