17 Feb 2013

Profile of CEMS MIM students - a discussion roundtable organized by alumni

UPDATE: The event starts at 17:00.
We believe a part of the alumni role is to help developing the programme we are all graduates of. The best thing we can do is to gather various stakeholders of CEMS MIM and let them discuss openly all the issues the programme is facing and let them take responsibility for its future progress.

Come and join us on 27 Feb.

10 Feb 2013

Becoming a member of CEMS Alumni Association Prague


This time I am not posting an invitation to the event organized by CEMS Alumni Association Prague, CEMS Club or someone from alumni, nor offering you the opportunity to lecture at the University of Economics :-).

Beginning of the year is the best moment for registration and payment of membership fees of CEMS Alumni Association.

What are the benefits membership brings has been already written. To recap - it's e.g. discounts on events in the Czech Republic, access to various databases including EBSCO, for some of you the greatest benefit can be the possibility to participate on annual events.

We think, however, that the main reasons for membership in the association are different. It is mainly an expression of belonging to a growing number of students and graduates of all CEMS and what environment CEMS means. Opportunity to study at good schools meet during their studies and after with smart people who have different interests and motivation to do something extra. It also means supporting alumni activities not only on global, but especially on the Czech level.

What do you think? Does it make sense to you? If so, I encourage you to pay yearly (€ 60) or lifetime fee (600 EUR) or its variants for couples. You may pay via cems.org or by using our Czech account (more here).

Together with this and previous boards of CEMS Alumni Association Prague we devoted quite lots of energy to alumni activities, so we would be happy if the number of Czech alumni once again slightly increases and moves the Czech Republic to the front of the peloton.

Best regards

Vojta & Olga, Katka, Lucka, Klara, Richard