11 Dec 2016

CEMS Alumni Association Prague - Election of new Board

Dear CEMS Alumni,

we are pleased to announce that we got candidates for the CEMS Alumni Board in the Czech Republic. In order to appoint the team into the role officially, we are calling for the CEMS Alumni Elections.

It is very simple, just send an email to cemsalumni@seznam.cz, where you express that you vote for the full board. Add your full name as well as your email address. We need at least 10 voting members in order to fulfill all official steps. You can vote from today, 10th December till Friday, 16th December 2016.

Candidates for the CEMS Alumni Board Team are:

  • Pavlina Simurdova for the president role (Pavlina's profila at LinkedIN)
  • Vojtech Oplestil for the vice-president role (LinkedIN)
  • Jan Horacek as a treasurer (LinkedIN)


The new CEMS Alumni board team is primarily focused on preparing events that will bring additional value for both CEMS Alumni and CEMS Students as well as on preparing social gatherings, family and sport events.

Due to the change in the Czech legislation, the Alumni team has prepared updated version of the statutes of the CEMS Alumni Association Czech Republic z.s.. For those interested, you can contact Pavlina.

Thank you for your cooperation.