as you know we have conducted a survey of your preferences at the Soireé and also on-line. We have received 33 responses in total.
The outcomes in brief
- Alumni prefer events where they can more or less formally socialize and share their experiences and views.
- E-mail and Facebook are the preferred means of communications.
- For majority of you one event per month is ok - and you prefer events on Thursday.
- What is most pleasant is the fact that half of you want to give hand to us - the CEMS Alumni Prague Board. We are very pleased to hear that :-).
Detailed results
The results are depicted on the pictures - we believe they are self-explanatory.Next steps
Myself, Pavlína, and Honza will contact those of you whe expressed their will to take part in the CEMS Alumni activities. Also, we will start drafting the plan of events for the autumn and winter and let you comment on that.We are really looking forward to utilizing whole energy and aspirations expressed in your answer!
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