1 Mar 2019

CEMS Talk: Inclusive Workplace Culture hosted by Google

Dear CEMS Alumni,

We are delighted to invite you for CEMS Talk: Inclusive Workplace Culture hosted exlusively by Google. You can look forward to:

>> Welcome session by Tatiana le Moigne, Country Manager at Google
>> Interactive panel discussion on "How inclusive culture helps companies to succeed"
>> Excellent networking opportunities with fellow CEMS Alumni and Googlers

Location: Google Office, Stroupežnického 3191/17, Prague 5
Further details: Facebook
Google form

The capacity for the event is very limited. You seat will be confirmed based on the available no. of spots assigned to CEMS Alumni. We recommend to book your seat as soon as you can. You can cancel your attendance latest 48 hours prior to the event.  

Use this extraordinary opportunity to discuss, meet and share best practices with fellow CEMS Alumni and Googlers. 

For further questions please contact Pavlina at +44 7823 520 929.