22 May 2011

Offer Internships to CEMS students

This is an excerpt from the CAA Newsletter May 2011.

Do you remember when you were looking for your CEMS internship abroad? It may not have been easy to find the right one that met your expectations, but it was probably a very important experience at the beginning of your career which helped you to be where you are right now.
If you have ever asked yourself what you could do to give something back to CEMS, the answer is very easy: Post the internship offers of your company to the CEMS Job Market!

There are two options to post offers to the JobMarket.
  • The preferred one is that your company registers and accesses the job market with its own company login. Corporate Partners can also screen the CVs of students and alumni.
  • The other option is for you to directly access the Job Market using as company profile "CEMS Alumni offers for students". Simply access the JobMarket as a Company with the login name "alumni@cems.org" and password "offersfromalumni". On the left hand side under "Positions" -> "New position" -> "Internship", you can enter your offers. Please note: since the offer will be displayed with the company name: "CEMS Alumni offers for students" it is important that you put your company name at the beginning of the field "Position". In the fields "Contact name" and "Email", please put your name and your @cemsmail.org address. Otherwise we cannot validate your offer.

Video message from Executive Committee of CAA

Elected for a two-year mandate in December 2010, the new team of Alberto Frisiero (President), Torsten Röwekamp (Vice-President), Blandine Avot (Secretary General) and Nicola Spano (Treasurer) present themselves.

CEMS Alumni Association Executive Committee presentational film from CEMS on Vimeo.

15 May 2011

CEMS Alumni Drink

Come and join us for an informal gathering of hard working alumni, meet some alumni you haven't met yet and also - let us celebrate some of the weddings in our community :-).
We will meet on Thursday May 26 at 19:30 in Jedova chyse.

The CEMS Alumni Sailing weekend

LC Netherlands kindly invites you all to join the longest standing CEMS Alumni event: The CEMS Alumni Sailing weekend in the Netherlands.

This year's event is marking the 18th anniversary of the Sailing weekend. So please join many others that have participated in the past, and enjoy the event yourself!
Find out more details in the official invitation (pdf, 334 kB).