Dear Alumni, in this post, our Czech Alumni Association would like to inform you about three important news in regards to development of CEMS Alumni network on global level:
- There have been numerous discussions about future governance of CEMS Alumni Association on central level and on Oct 6, 2012 in Milan, current members of CEMS executive commitee together with representatives of local commitees have signed new statuses of the CEMS Alumni Association aiming at higher professionalization of alumni activities and streghthening of their impact going forward. Czech LC was represented by LC Poland and their treasurer Ewa Szczerba voted on behalf of us.
- Based on these statuses, there is a need to elect the executive body of CEMS Alumni Association - the CAA Board. The call for candidates has just begun and deadline runs until Nov 17th. You can read about details of CAA membership in statuses (see the link above in point 1.). What is important should you consider your candidature?
- 3 seats are reserved to active paying LC representatives (representing local alumni associations)
- 2 seats are reserved to paying alumni who graduated 10 or more years ago
- 2 seats are reserved to paying alumni from the last 10 years since graduation
3. Based on applications submitted to, the new CAA board 2013 will be elected by the General Assembly during Annual Events in St. Gallen on Dec 1, 2012. LC Czech Republic will be represented by Olga Nydlova to participate during this election.
Do not hesitate to contact also the Czech Alumni team for more questions.
Kind regards, Olga