The cool days are coming closer and it is time to start thinking of the usual CEMS Alumni sauna. Therefore we planned the sauna events for the whole season.

Registration You may register at the registration form or just send me an e-mail.
Fee Note that those of you who have paid their CEMS Alumni membership fee will get 100 CZK or so discount on the entrance fee. The others will pay the whole entrance fee. We will make sure that the entrance fee will not be higher than a usuall fee (which is approximately 200 CZ).
- 31.10.2012 (We)
- 14.11.2012 (We)
- 29.11.2012 (Th)
- 19.12.2012 (We)
- 9.1.2013 (Th)
- 30.1.2013 (We)
- 21.2.2013 (Th)
Should you have any questions or suggestions (e.g. another sauna venue) just let me know.
Looking forward to meeting you.
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