Dear CEMSies,
our event on the topic Family and Career took place in a bit untypical environment for CEMS gatherings - in kids' entertainment center Café Koala. This showed up to be a great choice for both kids thanks to the enormous amount of play and fun opportunities in the center as well as for adults due to very nice and comfortable atmosphere, great café and friendly and smiling staff.
Almost all attendees of this event were parents. After we all met and kids started to explore the neighboring slides and jungle gyms, we did an introduction round. Each of us introduced himself / herself and also added what he/she currently faces in relation to family and career.
Clearly the key point of discussion was, under which conditions a mum can work but also be with her kids - i.e. a compromise between full time job full time household. CEMS mum enjoy being with kids at tome but at the same time are capable and want to work, further use and develop their skills and capabilities.
So what is the ideal scenario? Based on our discussion, it is a part time job with flexible working hours that can be done from home. Although, the reality of the job market is a different story. There are some cases, when a mum is offered a part time job that can be combined with family.
Though what we learnt from our own stories or based on our own experience, these are mostly individual exceptions, company and society rules are still rather rigid in this area.
This can be a great topic also for big companies, for CEMS corporate partners. Today's huge topic is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Isn't this one of the key topics in the CSR agenda?
We would like to thank to all participants of this event. We are looking forward to seeing you at other events coming this year (more details soon :-)).
Thank you for being interested in this topic and also reading this article.
Pavlina, Vojta and Honza
Your CEMS Alumni Board Team