- What are the current business trends influencing the CEMS Programme?
- What is the experience with the CEMS Programme seen from students', alumni's, teachers' and corporate partners' point of view?
- How can CEMS address current needs of the job market and prepare alumni that will star?
These are a few questions that were discussed during the CEMS Roundtable organized by Vojtech Oplestil and Ladislav Tyll at the University of Economics on 30th March 2017.
Each core CEMS Group (students, alumni, teachers and corporate business partners) was represented by the minimum of 4 participants. The whole program was organized in a very open-minded and informal atmosphere, which gave a space to many discussion and experience sharing.
Below you can find a few notes from the brainstorming evening:
What are top business trends these days?
- focus on entrepreneurship
- digitalization trend
- increased competition of international business programs
- need of hard skills
- generation Y
How can CEMS address them?
- Building strong CEMS brand by offering excellent life-long education
- Minor specialization for CEMS students
- Increased offer of courses targeting deeper knowledge of technical disciplines
- Practically oriented guest speakers and lectures, e.g. real life case studies
How can CEMS Alumni Association support the future needs?
- Building the CEMS brand by organizing regular monthly CEMS professional events (e.g. Friday CEMS Stage) focused on the hottest topics that CEMS community is interested in
- At least once per year prepare big CEMS Community event with external top guest speakers
In the upcoming weeks, we will be gathering inputs from you, CEMS Alumni, about topics that are the most relevant to you, so we can plan the events for the 2nd half year of 2017 accordingly.
You can also have a look at the video with photos from this evening
In case of any questions, let us know to:
Pavlina on behalf of the CEMS Alumni Board Team