14 Aug 2009

!!Reminder for Rope Course - Lanova Draha!!

Hi CEMSies,

I'd like to remind both CEMS Alumni and CEMS Students that there is a deadline on monday 17th August to register for the Rope Course. The Rope Course takes place on Thursday August, 20th from 18:30. We can't start later due to the sunset at 9 which would prevent us from enjoying all the fun.

If you would like to join, please contact: jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com or +420 602 458 868.

Best regards

11 Aug 2009

Pozvanka na CEMS Lanove Drahy

Ahoj CEMSaci,

Radi bychom vsechny pozvali na akci na lanovych prekazkach!

Uzijme si letniho pocasi a pojdme si vyzkouset co s nami dela 9 metru nad zemi postavene lanove prekazky. Nektere z nich jsou dokonce skupinove, takze 'at zije teambuilding!'

Termin jsem zamluvil na ctvrtek 20.8. v 18:30 v Lanovem Centru PROUD u metra Vysocanska. Cena 300Kc za osobu (240Kc pro studenty, 200 pro platici cleny) obsahuje vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni a lektora. Obleceni idealne pohodlne sportovni.

Diky vysoke kapacite arealu (120 osob) se mohou zucastnit i vasi partneri/deti.

Registrace DO PONDELI 17.8. na adrese jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com nebo +420 602 458 868.

Lanové centrum PROUD
Rubeška 393/7, Praha 9

Jak se tam dostat metrem?
Linkou B do stanice Vysočanská - výstup "Sokolovská ulice" - po výstupu z metra zahnout doleva směr centrum - na první světelné křižovatce zahnout doprava - 200m k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.
Jak se tam dostat tramvají?

Tramvají č. 8 (Podbaba – Nádraží Vysočany) nebo č. 19 (Kubánské náměstí – Lehovec) vystoupit na zastávce Poliklinika Vysočany – vydejte se na začátku parku, přes mostek k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.

S pozdravem
Honza Kubik

CEMS Rope Courses Invitation

Dear CEMSies,

We would like to invite you to a ROPE COURSE which will take place on Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm at Lanove Centrum PROUD - Praha Vysocany. The entrance fee – including equipement and trainer – is CZK300 (CZK240 for students, CZK 200 for those who paid the membership fee).

Your partners/kids are more than welcome to join as the capacity is up to 120 participants.

Please register by Monday 17th August at: jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com, +420 602 458 868.

How to get there by metro?
Line B – get off at Vysocanska station – exit Sokolovska ulice. Turn left in the direction of the city center and at the first lights turn right.
How to get there by tram?
Tram nr. 8 or 19 – stop Poliklinika Vysocany – Go through the park, over a small bridge, in the direction of the rope course.

For more information visit www.lanovecentrum.cz.

Best regards
Honza Kubik

CEMS Alumni Association - plany pro rok 2009

Mili CEMS Alumni,

jak jste se jiz meli sanci dozvedet, stal jsem se novym prezidentem lokalni CEMS Alumni Association. Rad bych se proto predstavil tem, co me jeste neznaji a nastinil co planuji delat do konce roku v teto pozici.

Jsem absolventem CEMS a VSE z roku 2008. Behem studii jsem stravil jeden semestr na Køng Idrætshøjskole v Dansku (Sokrates) a jeden semestr na HEC v Parizi (CEMS). Od leta 2006 pracuju jako Client Training Executive ve spolecnosti Thomson Reuters. Pokud se chcete dozvedet vic, tak prijdte na nekterou z CEMS Alumni akci! ;)

No a ted co bych rad realizoval do konce roku. Doufam, ze se nam podari zorganizovat vetsinu:
• Na ctvrtek 20.8. od 18:30 jsem pro nas spolecne s CEMS studenty objednal lanove drahy. Poslu separatni email s pozvankou.
• Rad bych, aby se CEMS Drink konal pokazde na jinem miste a vzdy s nejakym tematem prislusnym danemu mistu. Napady na temata a mista jsou samozrejmne vitany. Pristi CEMS drink chci usporadat oncem zari - specialni grilovani u me na zahradce v Dejvicich.
• Do konce roku bych rad zorganizoval nekolik professional events. V soucasne chvili mam prislibenou prezentaci o obchodovani s elektrinou ve spolecnosti CEZ. Dale planuji domluvit navstevu prazske burzy s prezentaci. Za sebe chci nabidnout skoleni zakoncene certifikaci na aplikaci Reuters 3000 Xtra, slouzici k monitorovani a analyze aktualniho deni na financnich trzich.
• Ze sportovnich aktivit bych rad vedle jiz zminenych lanovych drah pokracoval v lezeni, ktere se na jare setkalo s pozitivim ohlasem. Takze az zacnou klesat teploty a nebude dost svetla na sport venku, tak se muzete tesit na lezeckou stenu. Rad bych take navazal na predchozi uspesne vikendove akce, jako napriklad zimni bezky. Dalsi napady, ktere potrebuji jeste rozpracovat jsou: Golf, Sauna...
• Jednou z mych priorit je vetsi propojeni aktivit s CEMS studenty – vzajemna spoluprace a lepsi informovanost o aktivitach.

Pokud mate nekdo nejake napady na spolecne akce, tak se o ne s nami podelte. Radi se inspirujeme!

Honza Kubik

CEMS Alumni Association - plans for 2009

Dear CEMS Alumni,

As you were already briefed by Petr Malik, I have been elected the president of the local CEMS Alumni Association. Therefore, I would like to introduce myself to those who have not had a chance to meet me in person. As well I would like to shad some light on my plans for the rest of the year.

During my studies at VSE I had spent one semester at Køng Idrætshøjskole in Denmark (Sokrates) and one semester at HEC Paris (CEMS). Since summer 2006 I have been working as a Client Training Executive for Thomson Reuters. If you want to learn more please join one of the events organized by CEMS Alumni Association! ;)

And now the plans for the rest of the year:
• I have already booked Rope Courses for Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm. More info will follow in a separate email.
• I would like to start a tradition of CEMS Drinks being organized at different locations with specific topics from now on. Any ideas are more than welcome. The following CEMS Drink/Barbecue should take place at the end of September and I would like it to take place at my garden at Dejvice.
• Till the end of year I would like to organize several professional events. Currently I have agreed with CEZ on a presentation on electricity trading. Besides, I plan to address Prague Exchange with a request for a visit and presentation there. My own offer is a training on Reuters 3000 Xtra (application for financial markets monitoring and analysis) concluded by official certification.
• Amongst sport activities I plan to follow up with the successful wall climbing events – when the temperature and visibility becomes unbearable for any outdoor activities. As well I would like to keep up to the tradition of weekend CEMS events, such as the cross country skiing weekend during the winter. Other ideas, which need further development, are: golf, sauna…
• One of my priorities is building interconnection with CEMS students – further cooperation and better communication.

Any ideas are warmly welcome!
Best Regards
Honza Kubik

2 Aug 2009

Novy prezident asociace

Mili CEMS Alumni,
dovolte mi, abych vam oznamil, ze novym prezidentem nasi prazske CEMS Alumni Asociace byl v utery 28. cervence zvolen Honza Kubik. Honzovi bych chtel poprat hodne stesti v nove funkci a spoustu vydarenych aktivit pro nas, CEMS Alumni.
Funkci vice-prezidenta bude zastavat Vasek Duda a pokladnikem zustava Richard Bejlek. I jim preji Good Luck!
Vam bych chtel zaroven touto cestou podekovat za ucast na akcich, ktere behem meho "prezidentovani" probehly. Jejich organizace a koordinace pro me byla zajimavou zkusenosti. Po mem navratu do CR se urcite rad do CEMS Alumni aktivit zapojim.
S pozdravem,
Petr Malik