26 Dec 2010

CEMS Alumni Skiing weekend in Albrechtice

Lets make alumni skiing a tradition and repeat the unforgettable skiing weekend in Domecek Majka from last year!

  • WHERE: Accommodation is booked in Albrechtice, Jizerske hory at Domecek Majka, both downhill and cross-country skiing tracks are available in the surrounding. Number of restaurants and sauna are just accross the street.
  • WHEN: March 4th - 6th 2011 (first weekend in March)
  • REGISTRATION: Register at jana.dostalova@gmail.com

Number of places is limited, CEMS Alumni members will be granted higher preference, plus a discount on accomodation.

8 Dec 2010

The CEMS Waltzing Days 2011

Dear CEMS Alumni,

The CEMS Alumni Association Austria and the CEMS Club Vienna are happy to invite you to the CEMS Waltzing Days, which will take place from the 14th - 16th of January 2011. As always they will feature the elegant WU Ball at the Viennese Royal Palace, a crash course in waltzing, a cocktail reception, sightseeing and much more. For the 9th consecutive year we will offer this special weekend program together with CEMS alumni and students to let you discover the beauties and traditions of Vienna.

Don’t miss out on one of the most fascinating CEMS events of the year! We are looking forward to waltzing with you.

Deadline for registration: 31.12.2010

Your Local Committee Austria

You can find details in this flyer (pdf, 447 kB).

7 Dec 2010

Christmas CEMS Drink

Dear CEMSies,

We would like to invite you to a special Christmas CEMS Drink. It will be a great oportunity to spend time with your CEMS friends as well as to pre-celebrate the end of the year and or post-celebrate the begining of the winter time.
Please reserve evening and let us know if you are coming as for this year CEMS Club has prepared free catering as a Christmas present for you.
The Christmas CEMS drink will be connected with many other activities and you will receive the info very soon!

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Your CEMS Alumni Association and CEMS Club Prague

29 Nov 2010

3rd CEMS Sauna this year

The already 3rd CEMS sauna this year will take place on Dec 9 from 7 PM at the same venue as the last two sauna events (Svet pod Palmovkou). You may register at our FB group or just send me an e-mail (vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com). Note that those of you who have paid their CEMS Alumni membership fee will get 100 CZK or so discount on the entrance fee. The others will pay the whole entrance fee. We will make sure that the entrance fee will not be higher than a usuall fee (which is approximately 200 CZ) - so dont be afraid of paying 1000 CZK for one hour long sweating :-).

27 Nov 2010

CEMS Magazine Autumn 2010

You may want to read the latest issue of the CEMS Magazine - just click here. Some of the isues discussed are:
  • Business Schools and Sustainable Development
  • The role of IT in Business
  • Diversity in Practice

22 Nov 2010

J.P. Morgan: Where Are the Financial Markets Heading

CEMS Club Prague would like to invite you to a presentation by J.P. Morgan: Where Are the Financial Markets Heading on November 30, 2010 at 18:30.

The presentation will be given by Executive Director Jiri Svarc, CEMS MIM and Vice President Ales Mydlar.
The presentation will be followed by informal Q&A session about J.P. Morgan, finance industry and career in banking over drinks in a nearby restaurant.

Venue: Thomson Reuters office,
1st floor, Vaclavske nam. 19, entrance from Jindrisska st
Date: 30.11.2010
Time: 18:30-20:30

Please register by sending your CV in English to info@cems.cz by November 26, 2010

2 Nov 2010

Mlady a uspesny Jan Kubik

Economix uverejnil rozhovor se soucasnym prezidentem CAA Prague Honzou Kubikem. Rozhovor naleznete na strane 28. Moc mu to tam slusi :-).

25 Oct 2010

Program akci - detailni update

Mili CEMS Alumni,
verime, ze vetsina z Vas je o akcich Alumni klubu informovana pres socialni site, presto jsme se rozhodli opet poslat prehled co se chysta do konce roku - neni toho malo :)

Nejdrive ale prijmete nasi omluvu za zruseni Leadership Workshopu. Bohuzel nam na posledni chvili vypadlo misto konani a nepodarilo se jiz najit nahradu. Udelame vse pro to, aby se to jiz neopakovalo, nahradni termin workshopu najdete nize.

Nyni jiz k planu na pristi mesice:
  • KURZ FOTOGRAFOVANI, Pondeli, 25. rijna – jiz dnes zacina kurz fotografie Hany Connor, na kterou se podarilo vyjednat specialni SLEVU pro platici alumni 500 Kc (cena po sleve 3.000Kc)
  • CEMS GALA CASINO NIGHT, Streda 27.rijna, 19 hod – treti rocnik skvele CEMS akce, kde se tradicne setkava velky pocet nejen studentu a alumni, ale i zastupcu z VSE a corporate partners. Pro platici alumni VSTUP ZDARMA (o slevu se prihlaste pri vyzvedavani listku). Nezapomente, ze listky je treba objednat predem, potvrdte proto svou ucast do dnesni pulnoci (tj. do pondeli 25.10.) na adresu dominika.hartova@cems.cz)
  • MEET THE FINANCE, Pondeli 1. listopadu, v 18:30 hod – jiz tradicni profesni seminar, tentokrat se speakery se zkusenosti s financniho sektoru ze spolecnosti jako Staropramen (StarBev), Komercni banka, Unicredit, Genesis nebo Hilti.
  • CEMS SAUNA, Ctvrtek 4. listopadu v 19 hod – minula akce se opravdu vydarila, proto se nevahejte pridat na dalsi opakovani! Misto bude potvrzeno. VSTUP ZDARMA pro platici alumni. Viz tez predchozi clanek.
  • PERSONAL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP, Utery 9. listopadu v 19 hod – seminar s profesionalnim koucem Petrem Repcikem (http://www.coachingteams.eu/) o tom jak se stat leaderem a jak hledat leadera v sobe, exkluzivne VSTUP ZDARMA.
  • DIVADLO: Jiste, pane ministre, Ctvrtek 11. listopadu v 19 hod – spolecna navsteva divadla na top predstaveni Divadla na Vinohradech
  • CAREER FORUM BUDAPEST, 12. – 14. listopadu – letos nove byly vypsany pre-scheduled interviews i pro alumni! Registrace jsou letos jiz uzavreny, ale do pristich let mame z centraly prisliben zvysujici se zamereni na zatraktivneni Career fora i pro absolventy. Detaily muzete nalezt na strankach fora.
  • PRE-GRADUATION DINNER, 25. listopadu v 19 hod., Lokal – akce je urcena predevsim studentum, kteri budou letos graduovat a chceme je privitat jako budouci cleny CEMS Alumni. Zaroven je to idealni prilezitost k setkani a koordinaci vsech, kteri se chystaji na letosni Annual event!
  • MEET THE CONSULTING, Ctvrtek 2. prosince v 18:30 hod. – speakeri promluvi o vyhodach i uskalich prace v konzultantskych firmach.
  • ANNUAL EVENT ROTTERDAM, 3. – 5. prosince – nejvetsi akce CEMS, krome moznosti pohledu na graduujici kolegy spojene s nostalgii nad starymi casy je pro alumni letos prichystan opravdu lakavy program. Exkluzivne se letos podarilo zorganizovat seminar s nositelem Nobelovy ceny za mir, Muhammadem Yunusem. Ceka Vas take panel o Reputation managementu, networking brunch specialne pro alumni a nezapomenutelne party v netradicnich lokacich!! Vice info na http://www.cemsevent.com/, deadline pro registraci jiz 15. listopadu!!!
  • CEMS CHRISTMAS DINNER, Patek 17. prosince – spolecna akce se studenty, detaily budou upresneny
  • CEMS LYZE, Vikend 1. – 3. brezna - opakovani veleuspesne akce z lonskeho roku, opet v chaticce Majka v Albrechticich – save the date, detaily budou upresneny brzy.

Vice informaci k akcim najdete na Facebook nebo na LinkedIn (pridejte se ke skupine Official CEMS Group Czech Republic). V pripade dotazu ci problemu s prihlasenim do skupiny se na me nevahejte obratit (vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com), uvitame i Vase pripominky ci podnety.

Budeme se na Vas tesit na nasich akcich!!!

Vas CEMS Alumni club:

Jana, Honza, Vojta, Vasek, Richard

18 Oct 2010

2nd CEMS Sauna this year

The first CEMS Sauna went pretty well (7 participants - including 2 ladies :-)) and the sauna venue we chose (Svet pod Palmovkou) proved to be pretty good.
Therefore the next sauna will be held pretty soon - on 4 November. You may register at our FB group or just send me an e-mail (vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com).
Note that those of you who have paid their CEMS Alumni membership fee will get 100 CZK or so discount on the entrance fee. The others will pay the whole entrance fee. We will make sure that the entrance fee will not be higher than a usuall fee (which is approximately 200 CZ) - so dont be afraid of paying 1000 CZK for one hour long sweating :-).

28 Sept 2010

Alumni Events Autumn / Winter 2010

Here comes the plan of all the events we have already planned for this autumn / winter.
  • 12.10. Meet the... Marketing (mate nejake zajimave speakery?)
  • 14.10 CEMS Sauna
  • 21.10 Leadership Workshop update - check the leaflet (pdf, 357 kB)
  • 27.10 CEMS Gala (organized by students)
  • 1.11. Meet The ... Finance
  • 2.12 Meet the... consulting
  • 17.12. CEMS Christmas Dinner
Besides that at least two more events are just being planned: Questioning and Listening skills and Cross-country skiing (most likely in February).
BTW - we are looking for speakers for Meet the ...Marketing. Interested? Or do you know anyone who could help us? Just let me know at vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com. Thanks!

11 Sept 2010

CEMS Alumni Sauna

Nothing binds people together better than shared sweating :-). Come and join us in this traditional event. Of course we will continute the evening with some beers afterwards.
This event will take place on 14 October from 7 PM. You can register either at our Facebook group or send me an e-mail to vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com.

29 Aug 2010

CEMS Alumni Drink August 2010

This CEMS Alumni Drink, a first meeting after the holidays, was marked with some fresh blood of students to become alumni quite soon (and one wife :-)). We are looking forward to meeting the rest of the new alumni as well...

7 Jul 2010

CEMS Student Board Newsletter

Even though our student years are over (well, unless you enjoy studying for instance MBA or PhD) you may still be interested in what is going on among students.
So may read the last newsletter of the Student Board. It deals with the topics of CEMS brand, CEMS student responsibility, and also some MiM affairs.

18 Jun 2010

Events in June & July

After a short break we are back with two socializing events for you!

CEMS Drink
Last Alumni CEMS drink before summer holidays.

Boat trip
When & Where: Friday 9/7 - Sunday 11/7 Cercany u Prahy

  • Friday at 6pm at train station, or 7:30 pm in Cercany camp
  • Saturday in Cercany camp - before 9 am
Boats: Rentals from http://www.bisport.cz/ - either reserve the boats yourself, or join Honza with the group booking with discount. Payment deadline 29/6/2010, The price of canoe is 390 CZK/pers. per weekend, including accessories.
Book at least 2 weeks in advance.
Return: on Sunday by train (Petrov u Prahy - Praha, ca 1 hour travel).
Register on jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com
Looking forward to seeing you!
CEMS Alumni Association Prague

21 Apr 2010

Some pics from our events II

Here are some pics from our recent events.
The first two were taken during the Coaching with future leader event.

Richard - Katka - Petr

The other two come from the Origins of Pils – Pan-european event. Well, let's call them blurry (or cheessy).

Soft skills seminare poradane studenty

Drazi alumni, tentokrare si dovolujeme vas pozvat na dva seminare soft skill poradane studenty.

Milí CEMSáci a milé CEMSačky,

iKnow Club si Vás dovoluje pozvat na připravované semináře zabývající se oblastmi nových využití informačních technologií a moderních manažerských postupů. Přednášejícím bude renomovaný školitel a publicista Petr Mára, jenž vás na přelomu dubna a května provede násedujícími workshopy:
Getting Things Done - jak se zorganizovat aneb moderní time managementová metoda
  • Termín: středa 28. dubna 2010
  • Místnost: RB 211
  • Čas: 19:40 sharp
Keynote - jak se předvést v nejlepším světle aneb aktuální trendy v tvorbě prezentací
  • Termín: středa 12. května 2010
  • Místnost: viz stránky iKnow Clubu
  • Čas: 18:00 sharp
Budeme se těšit na vaši hojnou účast a věříme, že výstupy všech připravovaných workshopů budou přínosem pro váš každodenní studentský i osobní život. Další informace sledujte na webových stránkách iknow.vse.cz.

Tak co, prijdete?

Origins of Pils – Pan-european event

The CEMS Alumni Association Prague is proud to inform you it was the host of a pan european event – Origins of Pils, during the mid-April weekend.

Since Czechs are the biggest consumers of beer in the world, we decided to organise an event, where you could find out more about beer brewing and of course taste various types of beer and get to know Czech culture a bit.

The weekend started on Friday evening by visiting a Czech pub with over 200 beers on menu. On Saturday we had a lunch and an excursion in a micro brewery, we went to see the Krivoklat castle, where our most famous king Charles IV. was grown up, and we finished the day with a wonderful tour of the Pilsen brewery and with a dinner right in the brewery cellars where the beer used to maturate, with unlimited consumation of fresh, non fermented beer. On Sunday we finished the weekend with a brunch and sightseeing of Prague.

We would like to thank all participants for coming, especially to foreigners who did not give up when their flights have been cancelled!

Your CEMS Alumni Association Prague

Coaching with Future leader

On Monday, April 12th, another CEMS „Meet the...“ professional seminar took place. This time our guest was Miroslav Spousta, a coach from the Future leader project, a vice president of the Czech coaching association and a member of International Couch Federation.

During the seminar participants could find out what is coaching, which different approaches can you meet, how a coach works, how to choose the right coach for you, what to expect from him, etc.

We are glad such a big number of participants came, hope you enjoyed it and looking forward to seeing you on our next seminar: Questioning and listening skills (details coming soon).

Your CEMS Alumni Association Prague

29 Mar 2010


Hi CEMSies,

don't forget to register for the following events:
12th April - Meet the... Coach (in Czech)
Do you want to learn more about your self?Do you want to develop your skills?Do you need a coach? During the workshop you will learn: What to expect from a coach, How to benefit from coaching, Coach as a guide, Coaching style in management
17th-18th April - PanEuropean Event - Origins of Pils
Transport in a vintage bus throughout the day, Lunch at a microbrewery, Guided visit of the beautiful Karlstejn Castle, English guided visit of Pilsner-Urquell Brewery followed Dinner including degustation of unpasteurized, freshly brewed beer (all you can drink) & Session with Product Manager and HR representatives from Pilsner-Urquell.

Saturday program 1500 CZK
Saturday + Brunch on Sunday 1800
For more details see the attached PDFs

To register - Please write to:

CEMS Alumi Association Prague

8 Mar 2010

CEMS Alumni Association Newsletter

Here comes the third CEMS Alumni Association video newsletter.

This newsletter features:
  • CEMS Annual Events: The CEMS Alumni crowd is getting bigger: more than 500 graduated at Cologne totalling the number of alumni to more than 5.500. Beside the graduation, Cologne also hosted the first CEMS Alumni Professional Events with a panel discussion and workshops on the topic “Crisis as a Career Opportunity”. We have received some very positive feedback. Enclosed some impressions for you …
  • CEMS Magazine – May Edition: After an amazing first edition, we are quickly approaching the next CEMS Magazine in May. The graphic and editorial makeover of the CEMS magazine in November was successful and it is my pleasure to be able to offer you another opportunity to contribute. The governing topic of this edition will be “New Age of Branding”. Please find further details at the link below, including the title and subject of the central feature for the May issue and the deadline for sending articles (Friday March 19, 2010). Do not hesitate to contact Agata Rundo if you have any further questions on editorial contributions to CEMS Magazine (call for contributions, ppt).
  • Last but not least, please continue your support and renew your membership. You can do it directly on CEMS.org within a minute.

7 Mar 2010

Some pics from our events

Let us share with you some pics from our recent events.

This picture comes from the alumni skiing weekend in Jizerské hory, Albrechtice (19-21 February). Hopefully somebody from the participants will share some stories with us (as well as explanation of this photo) - the ones I have heard so far were quite unclear and I couldn't figure out what was really happening there (Vasek, could you add something, maybe?).

The other event can be described a little bit better as I was one of the participants.
Meet the... public sector seminar took place on 1 March at VSE and as you can see from this picture the number of students interested in our experience was fair enough. As far as I know they enjoyed the stories and experience of the speakers: Alice Savovová (director of Association for International Affairs), Antonín Berdych (former director of the office of Alexander Vondra), Marek Svoboda (director of the Centre for Human Rigths of People in Need) and me - Vojtěch Opleštil (consultant with Deloitte for public sector clients).

Fortunately the event didn't finish after Q&A but continued in the well-known Sklep restaurant.
Do you have any pictures you would like to share? Let me know at vojtech.oplestil@gmail.com.


CEMS Prague Journal #3

Even though our study years are gone you may want to get informed on what is going on within the Prague (mainly student) CEMS community. The best way to do so is to read the brand new CEMS Prague Journal (pdf, 3,8 MB).
The professionally published magazine does not make any difference between students and alumni and so you may find pictures from some alumni events (such as the before Christmas meeting and rope center event) and much more.

22 Feb 2010

CEMS Merchandise

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in history an on-line store with CEMS merchandise has been open.
Here are the main conditions:
  • Sales period: until Saturday, March 6th. After this period , the website will be closed and no further order accepted.
  • Expected reception of merchandises: Monday, March 29th.
  • You can pay either by Paypal or by credit card.
  • For individual orders, merchandises will be delivered to the Cems Club of the school of your choice. Shipping fees are set to 1€ per product.
  • For group orders(>200€), we can deliver to a personal adress. Please contact us before the purchase since there might be extra fee.
  • 20% of the selling price of T-shirts will go for the School For Africa Project. A nice way to do a good deed!
  • If you wish to download the catalogue you may do so here (pdf, 362 kB)

9 Feb 2010

Plán CEMS akcí

Milí CEMSies,

níže najdete přehled nejbližších akcí, které jsme pro Vás nachystali a na něž bychom Vás rádi srdečně pozvali:

11.2. CEMS drink v El Bario de Angelo v 19h – ochutnávka argentinských a chilských vín (po skleničkách, nebo „all you can drink“ za 600,-). Bar je na Andělu, více info na http://www.elbarrio.cz/
Jde o společnou akci studentů a alumni, máme zamluvený salonek s dostatečnou kapacitou, zábava zaručena :)

19. - 21. 2. Jizerské hory, Albrechtice – lyžařský víkend, pouze pro alumni, ubytko zde. Registrace na jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com . Příjezd na chatu plánován na páteční pozdní odpoledne/večer.

1.3. Meet the... public sector – profesní seminář, bude se konat ve škole v RB 336 v 18:30 s těmito velmi zajímavými hosty:
  • Alice Savovová - ředitelka Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky (přední český zahraničně-politický think tank)
  • Antonín Berdych - bývalý ředitel kabinetu Alexandra Vondry
  • Marek Svoboda - ředitel Centra pro lidská práva a demokracii společnosti Člověk v tísni
  • po oficiální části se přesuneme na drink/ večeři
  • Vojtěch Opleštil – konzultant Deloitte v oblasti veřejné správy
18.3. All you ever wanted to know about... Photovoltaic energy – přednáška CEMS Alumni Richarda Bejlka o fotovoltaice - kde je možné ji zřídit, jaké jsou náklady, podpora v ČR, výkon, návratnost investice, jak získat dotace...
Místo a čas ještě potvrdíme, po přednášce a diskuzi opět přesun na drink.

25.3. 4 hodiny pro život – kurz první pomoci od červeného kříže. Základní kurz poskytování první pomoci - zástava oběhu u dospělých a dětí, oživování, bezvědomí. Kurz bude od 18:30 v prostorách Červeného kříže na Helichově ulici. Cena 400 Kč, (pokud se budou chtít přidat cizinci a bude to v angličtině, bude cena 500 Kč).

7.4. divadlo: Famílie aneb Dědictví otců zachovej nám, pane v Divadle na Vinohradech – trocha současného divadla od amerického dramatika Joe DiPietra v režii Martina Stropnického. Komedie z prostředí USA, hlavním tématem je střet generací a dilema mezi rodinou a kariérou. Podle recenzí jde o spíše odlehčenější a velmi vtipné představení se skvělými hereckými výkony. Více na zde. Hlaste se na jana.dostalova@gmail.com, DDL 14 dní před představením!!

12.4. Meet the... Coaching s Future leader – seminář tentokrát připraví coach z projektu Future leader. Dozvíte se vše o coachingu, seminář bude spojen i s praktickými ukázkami z kurzů, které Future leader nabízí, tj. např. vedení lidí, naslouchání, sebeřízení, apod.

16.4. – 18.4. Pan European Event: výlet po českých pivovarech – event bude i pro zahraniční CEMSáky, v plánu máme boat párty, výlet historickým pivovarem do Plzeňského pivovaru, kde pro nás bude přichystaná speciální prohlídka s ochutnávkou nefiltrovaného piva, a jiné.

12.5. divadlo: Richard III, Stavovské divadlo – politicky laděné představení symbolicky před volbami :) Richard III. je považován za Shakespearovu nejlepší historickou tragédii, zde v hlavní roli Richard Krajčo, na hudbě se podílel Jan P. Muchow, režie Michal Dočekal. Více na strankach divadla. Hlaste se na jana.dostalova@gmail.com, DDL 14 dní před představením!!

Mnohé další akce jsou v procesu plánování – profesní semináře, CEMS drinky, voda (zřejmě poslední víkend v květnu), kola (červenec) a jiné. Čerstvé informace vždy najdete na tomto webu, nebo posíláme pozvánky přes Facebook a Linked in (je třeba být členem skupiny Official CEMS group Czech republic). Nezapomínejte updatovat svůj profil na http://www.cems.org/ při jakékoliv změně kontaktních údajů, ať na Vás máme spojení.

Prosím nezapomínejte, že organizované akce jsou určeny primárně pro členy CEMS Alumni asociace, tj. absolventy, kteří mají zaplacené poplatky. Zůstaňte v kontaktu s CEMSem a staňte se řádnými členy CEMS Alumni Association. Poplatek můžete uhradit po zalogování na http://www.cems.org/.

Doufám, že Vás brzy na nějaké z akcí uvidíme!

Mějte se prima,

Váš CEMS Alumni board

21 Jan 2010

CEMS Alumni President election

Last CEMS Drink and election of the CEMS Alumni President took place in Lokál restaurant on Wednesday and was attended in great number, including a special guest Renáta Šubrtová.

I am happy to announce that Honza Kubík was elected the president of the local CEMS Alumni Association for the oncoming term. Honza was the CEMS alumni president already last year and has convinced us about his high potential. We believe his pro-activity and devotion will last even in the next term and will help make the alumni association even stronger.

Together with Honza his team has been elected as the CEMS Alumni board: Václav Duda, Richard Bejlek, Vojta Opleštil and Jana Dostálová. The programme for the next term is to continue with regular CEMS drinks, sport activities, profession seminars and to strengthen the relationship with corporate partners and CEMS students.

Hope you join us for the next CEMS drink on Thursday, February 11th to have a toast with us!

On behalf of CEMS Alumni Association Prague,


18 Jan 2010

New CEMS interactive electronic brochure

Let us share with you the recent progress of CEMS' promotional activities.

Following the graphic and editorial overhauling of CEMS Magazine and the production of promotional materials for use within member schools it is my pleasure to be able to send you the dynamic electronic version of the new CEMS institutional brochure here.
This publication is intended for both existing members of the CEMS community and for prospective members. You are therefore encouraged to share this new publication within your own personal and professional networks.

17 Jan 2010

CEMS Student Board Newsletter

Well, our student lifes are over nevertheless you may want to read about what is going on in the student community. You may download the newsletter here (pdf, 4,3 MB). Enjoy :-).

7 Jan 2010

CEMS Sauna, Drink with Elections, Skiing weekend and other events


first of all: Fortunate and Happy 2010!

  • Come and join us at CEMS Alumni Sauna next Tuesday. January 12th, Holmes Place Smichov, 19:00 - 21:00. Please register at jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com.
  • Next CEMS Alumni Drink will be at popular Lokál restaurant with great Prazdroj (Dlouha 33) on 20th January starting at 19:30. As every January CEMS Alumni President elections will take place during the evening.
  • Skiing weekend at Jizerske Hory will take place 19th to 21st February. Register at jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com. Location http://www.domecekmajka.com/.
  • We are searching for candidates for CEMS Alumni Presidency for 2010. Please send you nominations and registrations by 15th January at jan.kubik@thomsonreuters.com.

More to come: In February we plan a special visit to Prague Exchange and Prague Energy Exchange. In April we plan a pan-european event: "Czech Cultural Heritage". Any helpful hand would be much appreciated.

Don't forget to pay your 2010 CEMS Alumni Association Membership Fee. Your fee will help us to further enhance the events we organize. If you would like to help us to organize better events, please contact us. Any help or ideas are appretiated.

Your CEMS Alumni Association Prague