27 Jan 2013

Invitation: CEMS Alumni Event - Traveller’s brunch - 24 Feb 2013

Dear alumni,
Let me invite you for a spring CEMS alumni event called Traveller’s brunch. Your partner or children are welcome too!

If you search for a travel inspiration for the upcoming year, enjoy tasting exotic food, or if you just want to spend a pleasant Sunday morning not having have to cook breakfast and lunch, it will be worth coming:-).

When: Sunday 24 Feb 2013, 11 a.m. – about 2-3 p.m.
Where: Klub cestovatelů, Masarykovo nábřeží 22, Praha 1
Price: CEMS alumni paying members – 250 CZK, other CEMS alumni - 380 CZK.
The prices includes a small welcome, brunch menu - see the link further, pita bread, masala tea and water.)
Check the brunch menu.
 An example of food provided at Klub cestovatelu


  • Travel experiences exchange and travel networking
  • Tasting exotic specialities (mainly Lebanese cuisine)
  • Short presentations and photo sharing by you alumni
If you would like to have a short presentation on an interesting country you visited or want to share your travel pictures at the event, please indicate it in the registration form.

Registration and payment
Please confirm your participation by filling in the registration form here.
Because the cost of the event depends on your participation once you have confirmed it, we would like to ask you to pay a reservation fee of 100 CZK in advance onto CEMS alumni account (it will then be deducted from the brunch fee at the venue). The account number: 2900119575/2010
The deadline for the registration and payment of the reservation fee is 14 February.

Looking forward to seeing you at the brunch.
Klara and the Team of CEMS Alumni Association Prague
Klara Miksickova
CEMS Alumni

Paying your membership fee

As this is the best moment for paying your membership fee for 2013 here is a simple guideline on how you can do that. There are two options.
  1. Paying on cems.org with your credit card. Go to www.cems.org, log in at the top. After logging in click on Alumni Zone in the left menu and select Online Payment. Then press on Pay your annual fee. So, finally you are the right place to pay your membership. Now just follow the steps - and don't forget to correctly select LC Czech Republic.
  2. The other way to make your payment is to pay it to our account 2900119575/2010 at Fio banka. If you select this option pay 1560 CZK and let me know that you send the payment.
Please note that the first option is preferred as you will be directly given the CAA membership. With the other option it may take some time to transfer the money to CEMS and then making your registration.

26 Jan 2013

Feedback and pictures from Coaching seminar

CEMS Alumni Association Prague team successfuly organized another educational and networking event: Seminar introducing Coaching and Counseling, on Tue Jan 15, 2013 at VŠE. Below, you can see some more info and pictures taken during interactive lecture and workshop provided by two professionals - Dominika Kratochvílová (freelance counselor, www.counseling.cz) and Joel H. Cooper (business trainer and coach, senior partner at www.learn2grow.cz).

Participants feedback: 1.4 on scale between 1-5 (1-best, 5-worst)
Assessment of speakers:
Dominika - 1.8 on scale between 1-5 (1-best, 5-worst)
Joel - 1 on scale between 1-5 (1-best, 5-worst)
Main thoughts gathered from participants:

  • "Coaching is for people who know what they want to achieve but don't know how, whereas counseling is for people who don't know what they want or what to do."
  • "During the seminar, I realised that there can be important differencies between coaching,mentoring and counselling and that the attitude of the specialist (coach/mentor) must be based on the client´s needs - if the client comes alone and seeks help or it´s a director who wants to influence his colleagues/team members - and therefore can be really various."
  • "Speakers were really well chosen. Location was great. Maybe some more tips on self-coaching would be helpful." Comment from CAA Prague: We are planning special seminar on self-coaching in Czech later this year.
  • Inspiration for future: "seminar on leading a team, managing project (alone versus with a team of colleagues)".

See you on next CEMS Alumni professional events in 2013, your team of CEMS Alumni Association, Prague.

9 Jan 2013

CEMS alumni members in Prague - numbers and value

Ever wondered how many alumni are there in Prague?

So far, more than 300 cemsies from VSE graduated in CEMS MIM. Even though tens of alumni have participated in various professional, fun and sport events the average number of CAA members (i.e. the paying members) is just above 17, if calculated from 2007 it is 22.

As we are developing especially new professional activities and increasing the quality of our events we are looking forward to reaching much higher numbers of alumni this year.

To give you an overview of how successful we are in the international context just check the chart below. As you can see last year the Czech Republic was in the middle of the field dominated by Switzerland and especially Germany.

The beginning of the year is the best time to become a member and be a true member of the alumni "family". Even though there is a number of benefits the membership offers, the main benefit is something that is usually not on the list: being a member of a community of open- and internationally-minded persons with similar background yet different personalities, hobbies and careers who can share their experience and enrich you both profesionally and personally. Also, with your membership you help promoting the CEMS MIM degree and thus expand the cems family.

In the following weeks we will update you on the benefits, the planned events of CAA Prague and the way you can contribute. I am looking forward to welcoming you personally at our events and in the CEMS Alumni community!