21 Apr 2012

CEMS Alumni Bowling

We would like to invite you to our very first event - CEMS Alumni Bowling. Come to meet other CEMS Alumni and have fun while playing bowling :-).

Here come the details:

Part of the evening will also be the introduction of the new CEMS Alumni Board members as well as discussion with you concerning our main goals for the upcoming year.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

19 Apr 2012

"Becoming Professional"

What is this new fresh CEMS Alumni Board Team preparing for you? Our main motto is: “Become Professional”. Based on that we want to focus on two main areas:

1. Professional Networking
  • Mission: Build a platform, on which CEMS Alumni can meet together, share experience and knowledge – in an unofficial atmosphere but still in the top-class environment
  • Goal: Intensify the involvement of broader spectrum of CEMS Alumni in activities prepared by CEMS Alumni Board
  • Tools: Organize one or two main event(s) of the year for CEMS Alumni Community, prepare regular social, sport and cultural gatherings for CEMS Alumni – each in a bit different tone

2. Increased awareness of CEMS Alumni Association in the Czech Republic

  • Mission: Achieve a reputation of highly professional group that keeps on cooperating inside as well as outside while cooperating with VŠE, current and future CEMS Students
  • Goal: Build a collaboration platform with CEMS Program at VŠE, enhance a cooperation with CEMS Club
  • Tools: Get CEMS Alumni involved in the lectures at VŠE, support CEMS Club in organizing main event in each semester, strengthen the “Meet the… “ concept, build a unified communication strategy for all stakeholders

With a strong commitment in our motto of “Become Professional” we are looking forward to the great year that is ahead of us.

We will inform you about detailed calendar of our activities soon. In the meantime we will welcome your ideas and comments. What is and what could CEMS Alumni be for you?

Yours CEMS Alumni Board: Vojtech, Olga, Pavlina, Valerie, Katka, Richard

New Board elected

Last two months brought some big news to the CEMS Community. Beside the farewell with Renata and warm welcome to Gábina as a new CEMS Program Coordinator at VSE, the leading body of CEMS Alumni Board has come to the annual changeover. Since 1st of April there is brand new CEMS Alumni Board.

Who are those people?

Vojtěch Opleštil – President

Vojta has already presented a big drive and organization skills in the Vice-President role that he hosted last year. With his already senior experience in the CEMS Alumni Board, we are happy he decided to be part of the team also this year.

Vojta works as a Senior Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Vojta is well known for his crazy hobby – winter outside swimming. Beside that he likes visiting art exhibitions and enjoying the taste of good whiskey. Currently, he is also preparing for a brand new role in his private life – in summer he will become father of his first born child.

Olga Nýdlová – Vice-President

Olinka has already proven to be a valuable asset of the CEMS Community while being a member of CEMS Club during her studies. Even though, she considered CEMS as done – at the last stage she decided to candidate for the role of Vice-President, which is a great message for the whole CEMS Alumni Community.

Olinka works as a Project Manager at Cisco Systems. Olinka is a person sparking with energy that simply brings good mood to each society. In her leisure time, she enjoys various activities including social events with friends, sports, travelling, reading&films, piano playing, listening to all sorts of good music and blogging.

Kateřina Chodounská – Board Member

Katka brought to our team a piece of French culture. She is real lady that you can easily imagine sitting in a café at the bank of Sienna River enjoying good wine. As a CEMS student Katka represented CEMS Community in the Czech Republic on the international field as a Student Board Representative.

Katka works as a Brand Manager at Pierre Fabre. No surprise that Katka likes French culture, good food and wine and also exercising port-de-bras and playing volleyball.

Valerie Schäferová – Board Member

Valča brings to our business oriented team a piece of humanitarian mission. Previously, while being a CEMS student, Valča organized different humanitarian events. She decided to put this topic on the table also at the CEMS Alumni Board.

Valča works as Key Account Manager at Henkel ČR. Valča is a friendly and helpful person. She likes enjoying various cultural events as well as active participations in volleyball matches.

Pavlína Šimurdová – Board Member

Pája is extremely energetic and hyperactive person living her life on one hundred percent. During her studies she took twice a role in the CEMS Club. To our team she brings a massive amount of enthusiasm and positive approach.

Pája works as a Customer Logistics Consultant at LEGO (yes – the bricks you know from childhood ). In the free time, Pája is occupied by salsa dancing, running, mountain hiking, theater visits and of course building LEGO.

Richard Bejlek – Treasurer

Richard is the most experienced member of the team – being a member of class 2000 he has been an active alumnus for many years and contributing to the alumni board many times he will take care of our finance. Entrepreneur in solar energy field, passionate alpine-skier Richard recently limited the time he can offer to CEMS because his wonderful daughter Julia was born. However, his knowledge and CEMS soul will be beneficial for the board.

2 Apr 2012

And the candidates are...

...after presenting the call for candidates for our Board the following alumni have taken the challenge:
  • Vojtech Oplestil (class of 2007) for the President position
  • UPDATE: Olga Nydlova (class of 2010) for the Vice-president position
  • Valerie Schaferova (class of 2010), for the Regular Board member position
  • Katerina Chodounska (class of 2010), for the Regular Board member position
  • Pavlina Simurdova (class of 2010), for the Regular Board member position
  • Richard Bejlek (class of 2000), for the Treasury position
That seems to be a good mix of experience (Vojtech has been a member of the Board and Vice-president during the last two terms while Richard has been a Treasurer and Board Member for many terms) and new "fresh blood" with great experience from very active CEMS Club which can achieve great results.

However, as you can see we are still looking for a candidate for the Vicepresident position. So how about you? It is a great opportunity for enhancing your skills, developing your business networks and also enjoying the CEMS spirit of fresh and ambitious minds.