Are you staying in Prague over the Christmas? Come and join other CEMSies at the CEMS Games Evening!
When? 28th December from 19:30
Where? 2nd floor, door 36, Černokostelecká 36, Praha 10
on the bell you will find Mr. Stransky, use green line (metro A) to Strašnicka, Tram 7 to Zborov-Strašnické divadlo
What? Do you like to play board games? Bring your favourite one!
Don't forget to bring your beverages and refreshments.
See you soon!
21 Dec 2009
13 Dec 2009
Fotky z grilovani
Pokud jste prosvihli grilovani, muzete se aspon mrknout na par fotek z velmi povedene akce: novi i stari CEMS Alumni, dobre jidlo i piti.
22 Nov 2009
CEMS Events Calendar
Below you can find the forthcoming events we would like to draw your attention to.
CEMS Alumni Association Prague
- 25th November – CEMS Drink at Sklep on Husinecka tram stop
organized by CEMS Club Prague – - 30th November 6:30pm – Do I Really Want to Work in…Consultancy?
- 2nd December – CEMS Sauna – 19:30
Holmes Place - Smichov, Mandatory registration at
CEMS Alumni Association Prague
Do I Really Want to Work in…Consultancy?
Another Do I Really Want to Work in… seminar will be held on 30th November at 6.30pm at the usual location. This time you can look forward to interesting presentations on the topic of Consultancy held by:
- Lenka Krobova from A.T.Kearney
- Milan Vondracek from Arthur D. Little
- Petr Smid from Mc Kinsey
- Jaroslav Dvorak from Roland Berger
Thomson Reuters office, 1st floor, Vaclavske nam. 19, entrance from Jindrisska street
The seminar will be followed by a networking gathering at a restaurant near-by the event location.Mandatory registration at
8 Nov 2009
CEMS Alumni Association Newsletter
Here comes the second CEMS Alumni Association video newsletter.
Topics of this edition are:
Topics of this edition are:
- CEMS MIM Programme is Nr. 1
- Two new Corporate Partners had been ratified
- This year’s career forum is booming
- New format of CEMS Magazine is ready for distribution
- CAA Programme at the Annual Events is waiting for you
- CAA Survey needs your attention
27 Oct 2009
CEMS Events This Week! Gala Casino Night & Do I Really Want to Work in Investment & Finance?
Dear CEMSies!
There are two amazing events coming. Don't forget to attend!
29th October (Thursday) - CEMS Gala Casino Night - main event of the semester - see details.
2nd November (Monday), 6:30pm - Do I Really Want to Work in Investment & Finance?
Best Regards
CEMS Alumni Association Prague
There are two amazing events coming. Don't forget to attend!
29th October (Thursday) - CEMS Gala Casino Night - main event of the semester - see details.
2nd November (Monday), 6:30pm - Do I Really Want to Work in Investment & Finance?
- David Jurčík – Director - Deloitte Czech Republic
- Martin Stach, CEMS MIM – Investment Banker - M&A’s - Erste Corporate Finance
- Martin Peřina - Head of Investment Portfolio Management - Česká Spořitelna
- Vít Nantl - Head of Analysis Department - Penta Investments
CEMS Alumni Association Prague
16 Oct 2009
Gala Casino Night
Dear CEMSies!
The price of the ticket is 300 CZK and includes nice buffet, live jazz music, casino tables served by professional croupiers, starting (fake) money to gamble with, auction (so you can spend your lucky money in style) and DJ till 4 o'clock in the morning. Even though this is a CEMS event, feel free to bring your friends and have fun!
Petra Chocholová
CEMS Club Prague
Let me invite you to the mind-blowing main event of the semester - the Gala Casino Night. Note down the date of 29th October (Thursday), dust off some fancy outfit and get ready for the ride!
- Where? The event will take place in cool ambience of P.M. Club (Trojická 10, Praha 2)
- When? The club will be open for you from 18:30, the ceremonial opening is expected at 19:00.
- Tickets? Designated salespeople are Petra Chocholová, Pavlína Šimurdová and Dominika Hartová. So don't hesitate to contact us!
Petra Chocholová
CEMS Club Prague
9 Oct 2009
12.10. Grilovani CEMS Alumni s prezentaci vysledku CEMS Alumni EC/LC meetingu a oslavou 1. mista v FT rankingu
hned na zacatek bych rad pripomel, ze v pondeli 12.10. budeme grilovat na zahradce v Dejvicich. Vic info najdete na blogu. Muzete se tesit na grilovane maso, ale take na vytvory Filipa Rihy, ktery nam pripravi ochutnavku svych Exotickych Vegetarianskych Delikates, ktere zacal nabizet na Mate se na co tesit! Platici clenove navic dostanou darecky!! Na miste oslavime i prvni misto v FT rankingu Master's in Management!!
Na grilovani se take dozvite vice podrobnosti z CEMS Alumni EC/LC meetingu. Strucne:
hned na zacatek bych rad pripomel, ze v pondeli 12.10. budeme grilovat na zahradce v Dejvicich. Vic info najdete na blogu. Muzete se tesit na grilovane maso, ale take na vytvory Filipa Rihy, ktery nam pripravi ochutnavku svych Exotickych Vegetarianskych Delikates, ktere zacal nabizet na Mate se na co tesit! Platici clenove navic dostanou darecky!! Na miste oslavime i prvni misto v FT rankingu Master's in Management!!
Na grilovani se take dozvite vice podrobnosti z CEMS Alumni EC/LC meetingu. Strucne:
- Zmeny CEMS Alumni Statutes - bylo odhlasovano nekolik vyznamnych zmen v CEMS Alumni Statues (puvodni verze byla jiz z roku 1992). Nektere body jeste zustavaji na doreseni. Po schvaleni finalni verze vam ji dame k dispozici:
- neplatici clenove nemohou volit cleny LC boardu ani nemohou byt do LC boardu zvoleni
- LC musi publikovat na nejmene 4 lokalni nebo 2 panevropske akce za rok, aby mela hlasovaci pravo pri sjezdech EC/LC
- do urciteho poctu platicich clenu bude mit LC na sjezdech EC/LC pouze jednoho zastupce, kteremu se budou proplacet cestovni naklady a bude mit narok na ucast na doprovodnych programech krytych z CEMS budgetu. - hranice zustava k doreseni -cilem je omezeni nakladu, nebot 1/2 prijmu se jiz ted (bez zapojeni mimoevropskych LC) se vynaklada na cestovni naklady, LC muze vyslat jednoho dalsiho zastupce (celkem tedy maximalne dva) na vlastni naklady.
- omezeni cinnosti prezidenta LC na max. 4 roky v rade
- pravidla pro naklady na cestovani zastupcu LC pri EC/LC meetingu
- dalsi kosmeticke upravy z duvodu neaktualnosti
- Jednou z priorit CEMS Alumni je zvysovani povedomi o CEMS Alumni mezi CEMS studenty s cilem jejich zapojeni mezi nami po ukonceni studia - pocet CEMS Alumni roste 10% rocne, ale pocet aktivnich platicich CEMS Alumni jen 4%
- dalsi prioritou je osveta o CEMS MIM na sirsi verejnosti (aby se CEMS jako znacka dostala do povedomi lidi). Je to tez zakotveno ve STATUTES. I vzhledem k tomu, ze se CEMS umistil na prvnim miste v FT rankingu, tak mame urcite co nabidnout.
- Annual events Cologne - vypada to na pekny program
- Socializing - patek: party na lodi, sobota: tradicni graduation party. Navic networking brunch rano spolecne s corporate partners.Organizovana prohlidka mesta.
- Professional events - v sobotu odpoledne: panelova diskuse na tema jak vyuzit krizi k vlastnimu kariernimu prospechu, nasledovana workshopy zamerenymi na jednotlive sektory
- Vysoka cena graduation dinner -Proti vysoke cene se ohradili vsechny LC, pravdepodobne organizatori nechteji masovou akci. EC preda feedback organizatorum a pokusi se zjistit jestli jsou nejake objektivni duvody pro tak vysokou cenu. Doporuceni je jit na ostatni udalosti a graduation dinner vynechat.
- Nove cislo casopisu take na tema jak vyuzit krizi...
- Byla dokoncena standardizace siti social-networkingu - viz Facebook a Linked In
- krome pravidelneho CEMS plesu, ktery se kazdy rok kona ve Vidni, jsme se dozvedeli, ze podobna akce probiha i v Budapesti. Bohuzel neni az tak verejne oznamovana, jako vidensky ples. Zahranicni CEMS Alumni jsou zvani. Pokud byste meli zajem, poskytneme kontaktni osoby pro vice informaci.
A ted par prani
- Pokud mate napady na akce, napiste!
- Aktualizujte svuj profil na
Pokud vite o nekom z CEMS Alumni, komu nechodi informace o akcich, existuji 3 jednoducha reseni:
- aktualizovat svuj profil na CEMS.ORG
- prihlasit se do nasi oficialni skupiny na FaceBook
- prihlasit se do nasi oficialni skupiny na Linked-In
Z Moskvy a Prahy zdravi
Petr a Honza
P.S. Podivejte se na kalendar dalsich akci.
6 Oct 2009
The CEMS MIM has been ranked the number 1 Master's in Management programme in the world by the Financial Times.
The full rankings table:
Read the press release:[1].pdf
Founded in 1988, CEMS is a strategic alliance of 28 member schools from 4 continents and over 50 prestigious corporate partners.Ranked n°1 Master’s in Management in the world by the Financial Times in 2009, the CEMS MIM programme provides a unique blend of top-level education and professional experience for multilingual, multicultural postgraduate students. The success of the programme has been boosted by the direct involvement of academic and corporate partners in the definition and teaching of the curriculum, as well as the implementation of a series of joint research projects.
The class of 2009-10 comprises over 800 students of 57 nationalities, whilst CEMS alumni are now in excess of 5,000, working in a variety of sectors around the world.
Your CEMS Alumni Association
The full rankings table:
Read the press release:[1].pdf
Founded in 1988, CEMS is a strategic alliance of 28 member schools from 4 continents and over 50 prestigious corporate partners.Ranked n°1 Master’s in Management in the world by the Financial Times in 2009, the CEMS MIM programme provides a unique blend of top-level education and professional experience for multilingual, multicultural postgraduate students. The success of the programme has been boosted by the direct involvement of academic and corporate partners in the definition and teaching of the curriculum, as well as the implementation of a series of joint research projects.
The class of 2009-10 comprises over 800 students of 57 nationalities, whilst CEMS alumni are now in excess of 5,000, working in a variety of sectors around the world.
Your CEMS Alumni Association
3 Oct 2009
Come to Cologne for the CEMS Annual Events 2009!
Dear CEMS Alumni,
The next Annual Events are approaching quickly. We have prepared a special program for you, so don’t miss is and come to Cologne. Enjoy the CEMS Annual Events from December 4 to 6 with your fellow alumni and graduates!
The program in a nutshell with more details to follow:
Attend our career events on the governing theme “Crisis as career opportunity”: benefit from a high-caliber panel with numerous CEOs, advance your career with industry-specific career progression workshops and meet senior recruiters for job interviews.
Enjoy Cologne sight seeing in groups guided by local Alumni, for more information, browse our attached tailor-made Cologne guide
Meet old friends and make new ones at the exclusive buffet for Alumni.
... and party all night in the “CEMS style” at the Graduation Party at Gürzenich, a high class venue in the ancient heart of Cologne.
For more information on the events, visit, save the date December 4 to 6 of the Annual Events now and register for the CEMS Cologne Annual Events 2009 at is open and will close on Friday, October 30th. A special early-bird fee of -10% is available if you register and pay their registration fee by October 16, 2009.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Cologne!Your CEMS Alumni Association
Local Committee Czech Republic
The next Annual Events are approaching quickly. We have prepared a special program for you, so don’t miss is and come to Cologne. Enjoy the CEMS Annual Events from December 4 to 6 with your fellow alumni and graduates!
The program in a nutshell with more details to follow:
Attend our career events on the governing theme “Crisis as career opportunity”: benefit from a high-caliber panel with numerous CEOs, advance your career with industry-specific career progression workshops and meet senior recruiters for job interviews.
Enjoy Cologne sight seeing in groups guided by local Alumni, for more information, browse our attached tailor-made Cologne guide
Meet old friends and make new ones at the exclusive buffet for Alumni.
... and party all night in the “CEMS style” at the Graduation Party at Gürzenich, a high class venue in the ancient heart of Cologne.
For more information on the events, visit, save the date December 4 to 6 of the Annual Events now and register for the CEMS Cologne Annual Events 2009 at is open and will close on Friday, October 30th. A special early-bird fee of -10% is available if you register and pay their registration fee by October 16, 2009.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Cologne!Your CEMS Alumni Association
Local Committee Czech Republic
30 Sept 2009
CEMS Alumni Association Survey 2009
Wanna win a stay in a hotel in the Alps? And give your feedback to the CEMS Alumni Association (CAA)? If yes go on and read the following letter from CAA headquarters.
Dear CEMS Alumni
Your CEMS Alumni Association continuously strives to fulfill three goals for you
Besides some demographic data, we have organized it in 4 Sections:
Andrée, Agata, Line, Robert and Stefan
Dear CEMS Alumni
Your CEMS Alumni Association continuously strives to fulfill three goals for you
- Provide a professional network and opportunities for its members
- Promote the CEMS MIM reputation (e.g., through events and P.R.)
- Create and maintain friendly lasting contacts among CEMS alumni
Besides some demographic data, we have organized it in 4 Sections:
- Assessment of Strategic Positioning of CAA: Express your points of view on what you consider the most important priorities for the CAA
- New communication tools: We have already launched an initiative to improve the usage of existing professional and social networking tools. Here, we would like to learn more about your usage priorities.
- CEMS Magazine: Let us know what content is most relevant to you and how would you like us to deliver it.
- Local Events: Share your priorities on local events and why you participate in then
- One weekend for two in a High-Class Wellness Hotel in the Tyrolean Alps, 5 minutes from the glacier Hintertux – Thanks to the hotel who sponsored this to the CAA!
- One of three free participations in the Annual Events in Cologne
- One of three free membership fees for the CEMS Alumni Association in 2010
We are looking forward to your input and hope to see many of you at the Annual Events in Cologne. Don’t miss them, we have prepared a top professional and social program for you!
CEMSationally yoursAndrée, Agata, Line, Robert and Stefan
29 Sept 2009
October CEMS Alumni Monthly Digest
Mili CEMS Alumni, dear CEMS Alumni,
English version follows.
Rozhodli jsme se, ze vas nebudeme zahlcovat velkym mnozstvim emailu o poradanych akcich. Problem je navic umocnen tremi komunikacnimi kanaly (email, Facebook, Linked-In), ktere pouzivame a u nekoho se navic mohou setkat ve stejne emailove schrance. Proto budeme vsechny novinky, akce a upozorneni psat na blog a jednou mesicne rozesleme CEMS Alumni Monthly Digest spojujici vsechny tyto informace s odkazy na ne. Na blogu ( naleznete take reportaze z jiz probehlych akci a odkzy na fotky z nich.
Tento mesic bychom vas radi upozornili na nadchazejici aktivity, ktere poradame jak sami, tak spolecne s CEMS klubem.
Abychom zkoordinovali vsechny planovane akce, vytvorili jsme spolecne s CEMS studenty kalendar, ktery naleznete na nasledujici strance:
Akce na rijen:
- 3.rijna – 22:00 – Sasazu ( - Party se zahranicnimi ucastiky European meeting of CEMS Alumni Association
- 5.rijna 18:30 – Seminar „Do I realy want to work in … Marketing?” + networking drink se studenty (
- 12.rijna - CEMS Alumni Grill Party v Dejvicich Registrace na (kvuli zasobam). Jidlo z rozpoctu CEMS Alumni, piti si doneste.
- 20.rijna - 19:30 - Prvni letosni CEMS Alumni SaunaPlan je poradat saunu pravidelne kazde 3 tydny – viz calendar.
- 8. a 21. rijna - CEMS drinky poradane studenty, ktere jsou otevrene pro CEMS Alumni
- 29. rijna - Gala Casino Night poradana studenty, CEMS Alumni jsou partnery
Stejne jako letos je na vikend 19.-21. unora predbezne zarezervovana chata na Spicaku v Jizerskych horach. Vsichni, kteri mate radi snih a lyze, si toto darum zapiste do kalendaru! Ubytovani zajisteno viz
Pokud mate nekdo napad na podzimni CEMS vikendovou akci, kterou bysme mohli uskutecnit 6.-8. listopadu, budeme radi, kdyz nam ji pomuzete zorganizovat.
Radi bychom vas na zaver upozornili na clanek o akci v Lanovem centru s fotkami.
We have decided not to spam your mail boxes too often and will sum up all the forthcoming events in a CEMS Alumni Monthly Digest with links to articles on the blog.
On the blog you can as well find articles about past events together with links for pictures (
This month we would like to highlight October events organized either by CEMS Alumni Association Prague or by local CEMS Klub.
To better organize the time a common calendar has been created in cooperation with CEMS Klub, which can be found here:
October events:
- 3rd October – 22:00 – Sasazu ( - Party with European meeting of CEMS Alumni Association participants
- 5th October 18:30 –„Do I realy want to work in … Marketing?” Seminar + networking drink with students (
- 12th October - CEMS Alumni Grill Party v Dejvicich Please register at (to prepare enough food). Food covered by CEMS Alumni Association, please bring your own beverages.
- 20th October - 19:30 - CEMS Alumni SaunaPlaned to take place every 3 month - see the calendar.
- 8th and 21st October - CEMS drinks organized by students, open for CEMS Alumni
- 29th October - Gala Casino Night organized by students, CEMS Alumni are partners
Just like this year a winter skiing weekend has been booked on 19th to 21st February, so put this into your calendars! The location will be similar
In case you have an idea where to go for the weekend of 6th to 8th November or would like to help us organize it, please let us know.
Please have a look at the article covering the Rope-Course including pictures:
Best Regards/S pozdravem
Honza Kubík
English version follows.
Rozhodli jsme se, ze vas nebudeme zahlcovat velkym mnozstvim emailu o poradanych akcich. Problem je navic umocnen tremi komunikacnimi kanaly (email, Facebook, Linked-In), ktere pouzivame a u nekoho se navic mohou setkat ve stejne emailove schrance. Proto budeme vsechny novinky, akce a upozorneni psat na blog a jednou mesicne rozesleme CEMS Alumni Monthly Digest spojujici vsechny tyto informace s odkazy na ne. Na blogu ( naleznete take reportaze z jiz probehlych akci a odkzy na fotky z nich.
Tento mesic bychom vas radi upozornili na nadchazejici aktivity, ktere poradame jak sami, tak spolecne s CEMS klubem.
Abychom zkoordinovali vsechny planovane akce, vytvorili jsme spolecne s CEMS studenty kalendar, ktery naleznete na nasledujici strance:
Akce na rijen:
- 3.rijna – 22:00 – Sasazu ( - Party se zahranicnimi ucastiky European meeting of CEMS Alumni Association
- 5.rijna 18:30 – Seminar „Do I realy want to work in … Marketing?” + networking drink se studenty (
- 12.rijna - CEMS Alumni Grill Party v Dejvicich Registrace na (kvuli zasobam). Jidlo z rozpoctu CEMS Alumni, piti si doneste.
- 20.rijna - 19:30 - Prvni letosni CEMS Alumni SaunaPlan je poradat saunu pravidelne kazde 3 tydny – viz calendar.
- 8. a 21. rijna - CEMS drinky poradane studenty, ktere jsou otevrene pro CEMS Alumni
- 29. rijna - Gala Casino Night poradana studenty, CEMS Alumni jsou partnery
Stejne jako letos je na vikend 19.-21. unora predbezne zarezervovana chata na Spicaku v Jizerskych horach. Vsichni, kteri mate radi snih a lyze, si toto darum zapiste do kalendaru! Ubytovani zajisteno viz
Pokud mate nekdo napad na podzimni CEMS vikendovou akci, kterou bysme mohli uskutecnit 6.-8. listopadu, budeme radi, kdyz nam ji pomuzete zorganizovat.
Radi bychom vas na zaver upozornili na clanek o akci v Lanovem centru s fotkami.
We have decided not to spam your mail boxes too often and will sum up all the forthcoming events in a CEMS Alumni Monthly Digest with links to articles on the blog.
On the blog you can as well find articles about past events together with links for pictures (
This month we would like to highlight October events organized either by CEMS Alumni Association Prague or by local CEMS Klub.
To better organize the time a common calendar has been created in cooperation with CEMS Klub, which can be found here:
October events:
- 3rd October – 22:00 – Sasazu ( - Party with European meeting of CEMS Alumni Association participants
- 5th October 18:30 –„Do I realy want to work in … Marketing?” Seminar + networking drink with students (
- 12th October - CEMS Alumni Grill Party v Dejvicich Please register at (to prepare enough food). Food covered by CEMS Alumni Association, please bring your own beverages.
- 20th October - 19:30 - CEMS Alumni SaunaPlaned to take place every 3 month - see the calendar.
- 8th and 21st October - CEMS drinks organized by students, open for CEMS Alumni
- 29th October - Gala Casino Night organized by students, CEMS Alumni are partners
Just like this year a winter skiing weekend has been booked on 19th to 21st February, so put this into your calendars! The location will be similar
In case you have an idea where to go for the weekend of 6th to 8th November or would like to help us organize it, please let us know.
Please have a look at the article covering the Rope-Course including pictures:
Best Regards/S pozdravem
Honza Kubík
27 Sept 2009
CEMS Alumni Grill Party
Mili CEMSaci, dear CEMSies,
The english version follows.
Rad bych vas pozval na CEMS Alumni Grill Party, kterou usporadam u me na zahrade 12.rijna od 18:00. Jidlo bude placeno z rozpoctu CEMS Alumni, piti si doneste svoje.
Zahrada je velmi blizko metra Dejvicka. Nejsnazsi doprava je 2 zastavky autobusem c. 107 nebo 147, zastavka Ve struhach. Viz obrazek, kde A je misto Grill Party, B je zastavka autobusu a C je metro Dejvicka.
Velice se tesim na hojnou ucast!
I’d like to invite you to a CEMS Alumni Grill Party, which will be organized at my garden on 12th October at 18:00. The food will be organized by CEMS Alumni so all you need to bring is your own beverages.
The location is close to the Dejvicka metro station. Best transport is buses nr. 107 and 147 to Ve Struhach station. Please follow the map bellow.
A – Grill Party Location
B – Bus stop
C – Dejvicka station
Best Regards
Honza Kubik
View Larger Map
The english version follows.
Rad bych vas pozval na CEMS Alumni Grill Party, kterou usporadam u me na zahrade 12.rijna od 18:00. Jidlo bude placeno z rozpoctu CEMS Alumni, piti si doneste svoje.
Zahrada je velmi blizko metra Dejvicka. Nejsnazsi doprava je 2 zastavky autobusem c. 107 nebo 147, zastavka Ve struhach. Viz obrazek, kde A je misto Grill Party, B je zastavka autobusu a C je metro Dejvicka.
Velice se tesim na hojnou ucast!
I’d like to invite you to a CEMS Alumni Grill Party, which will be organized at my garden on 12th October at 18:00. The food will be organized by CEMS Alumni so all you need to bring is your own beverages.
The location is close to the Dejvicka metro station. Best transport is buses nr. 107 and 147 to Ve Struhach station. Please follow the map bellow.
A – Grill Party Location
B – Bus stop
C – Dejvicka station
Best Regards
Honza Kubik
View Larger Map
12 Sept 2009
Calendar of CEMS Alumni events in Prague
There are two updates in October, see below.
Here is a calendar of planned CEMS Alumni (an not only, students are welcome too) events. If you have any interesting idea for a socializing event let us know! The list below will be updated as we set the details.
Here is a calendar of planned CEMS Alumni (an not only, students are welcome too) events. If you have any interesting idea for a socializing event let us know! The list below will be updated as we set the details.
- 2nd - 4th European meeting of CEMS Alumni Association
- 5th Do I realy want to work in …Marketing + drink
- 12th CEMS Alumni Grill Party
- 20th CEMS Alumni Sauna
Joining us for a drink?
- 2nd Do I realy want to work in … yobs after CFA certification + drink
- 6th - 8th Vikendova Akce CEMS - napr. Pivovar Velke Mezirici
- 10th CEMS Alumni Sauna
- 25th CEMS Drink
Or for sauna perhaps :-)?
- 2nd CEMS Alumni Sauna
- 7th Do I realy want to work in … + drink
- 17th Christmas CEMS Drink
- 12th CEMS Alumni Sauna
- 1st Do I realy want to work in … + drink
- 4th CEMS Alumni Sauna
- 19th - 21st CEMS Weekend in the Mountains - Spicak - Albrechtice v Jizerskych Horach
Fun events,
Professional events,
Sport events
11 Sept 2009
What is it like to work in….?
Aiming to help CEMS students to choose their future professions, CEMS Alumni Association Prague in cooperation with CEMS Club Prague have launched a project of “Do I really want to work in…” seminars on various topics.
On October 5th the first session will be held focusing on Marketing. A series of monthly seminars should follow, taking place first Monday of each month. Further topics would cover Investment Banking and Advisory, Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, Investor Relations, Logistics… Together with Czech CFA Society a seminar focused on the benefits of CFA certification in various professions is planned as well.
The content of the seminar should be delivered in 3 presentations of about 20 minutes held by specialists in the field covered, followed by a Q&A session. Eventually a networking event will be held in one of the nearby restaurants to foster the relationships.
The preferred group of speakers should be CEMS Alumni in order to strengthen the networking throughout the CEMS community.
To provide heterogeneous views the speakers should come from various segments of the profession, e.g. the plan for “Do I really want to work in … Marketing” seminar is to provide B2B, B2C and Viral Marketing specialists.
We are looking forward to a curious audience and enlightening debates which we believe will become attributes of this project very soon.
On October 5th the first session will be held focusing on Marketing. A series of monthly seminars should follow, taking place first Monday of each month. Further topics would cover Investment Banking and Advisory, Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, Investor Relations, Logistics… Together with Czech CFA Society a seminar focused on the benefits of CFA certification in various professions is planned as well.
The content of the seminar should be delivered in 3 presentations of about 20 minutes held by specialists in the field covered, followed by a Q&A session. Eventually a networking event will be held in one of the nearby restaurants to foster the relationships.
The preferred group of speakers should be CEMS Alumni in order to strengthen the networking throughout the CEMS community.
To provide heterogeneous views the speakers should come from various segments of the profession, e.g. the plan for “Do I really want to work in … Marketing” seminar is to provide B2B, B2C and Viral Marketing specialists.
We are looking forward to a curious audience and enlightening debates which we believe will become attributes of this project very soon.
Nine meters above the ground with adrenalin in our blood
On Thursday August 20th CEMS Alumni Association Prague organized a socializing and team-building event at a Rope-Course Center Proud ( Altogether 18 CEMSies participated, majority of whom were CEMS students.
Rope-Course Center Proud is an adrenalin park with rope obstacles nine meters above the ground, where you are belayed as if climbing on an artificial climbing wall. The participants could decide if they go for individual challenges (you have to get over the obstacle your-self) or team challenges (where cooperation is necessary).
All CEMSies showed their passion for challenges and great teamwork and so there was almost no obstacle stayed unconquered. After the event all participants reunited in local restaurant “Klid” (“Rest”) with an eye-opening motto “Get some Rest after work”.
Here you can find a lot of nice pictures taken by Petr Dvorak, one of the CEMS students.
All CEMSies showed their passion for challenges and great teamwork and so there was almost no obstacle stayed unconquered. After the event all participants reunited in local restaurant “Klid” (“Rest”) with an eye-opening motto “Get some Rest after work”.
Here you can find a lot of nice pictures taken by Petr Dvorak, one of the CEMS students.
14 Aug 2009
!!Reminder for Rope Course - Lanova Draha!!
Hi CEMSies,
I'd like to remind both CEMS Alumni and CEMS Students that there is a deadline on monday 17th August to register for the Rope Course. The Rope Course takes place on Thursday August, 20th from 18:30. We can't start later due to the sunset at 9 which would prevent us from enjoying all the fun.
If you would like to join, please contact: or +420 602 458 868.
Best regards
I'd like to remind both CEMS Alumni and CEMS Students that there is a deadline on monday 17th August to register for the Rope Course. The Rope Course takes place on Thursday August, 20th from 18:30. We can't start later due to the sunset at 9 which would prevent us from enjoying all the fun.
If you would like to join, please contact: or +420 602 458 868.
Best regards
11 Aug 2009
Pozvanka na CEMS Lanove Drahy
Ahoj CEMSaci,
Radi bychom vsechny pozvali na akci na lanovych prekazkach!
Uzijme si letniho pocasi a pojdme si vyzkouset co s nami dela 9 metru nad zemi postavene lanove prekazky. Nektere z nich jsou dokonce skupinove, takze 'at zije teambuilding!'
Termin jsem zamluvil na ctvrtek 20.8. v 18:30 v Lanovem Centru PROUD u metra Vysocanska. Cena 300Kc za osobu (240Kc pro studenty, 200 pro platici cleny) obsahuje vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni a lektora. Obleceni idealne pohodlne sportovni.
Diky vysoke kapacite arealu (120 osob) se mohou zucastnit i vasi partneri/deti.
Registrace DO PONDELI 17.8. na adrese nebo +420 602 458 868.
Lanové centrum PROUD
Rubeška 393/7, Praha 9
Jak se tam dostat metrem?
Linkou B do stanice Vysočanská - výstup "Sokolovská ulice" - po výstupu z metra zahnout doleva směr centrum - na první světelné křižovatce zahnout doprava - 200m k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.
Jak se tam dostat tramvají?
Tramvají č. 8 (Podbaba – Nádraží Vysočany) nebo č. 19 (Kubánské náměstí – Lehovec) vystoupit na zastávce Poliklinika Vysočany – vydejte se na začátku parku, přes mostek k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.
S pozdravem
Honza Kubik
Radi bychom vsechny pozvali na akci na lanovych prekazkach!
Uzijme si letniho pocasi a pojdme si vyzkouset co s nami dela 9 metru nad zemi postavene lanove prekazky. Nektere z nich jsou dokonce skupinove, takze 'at zije teambuilding!'
Termin jsem zamluvil na ctvrtek 20.8. v 18:30 v Lanovem Centru PROUD u metra Vysocanska. Cena 300Kc za osobu (240Kc pro studenty, 200 pro platici cleny) obsahuje vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni a lektora. Obleceni idealne pohodlne sportovni.
Diky vysoke kapacite arealu (120 osob) se mohou zucastnit i vasi partneri/deti.
Registrace DO PONDELI 17.8. na adrese nebo +420 602 458 868.
Lanové centrum PROUD
Rubeška 393/7, Praha 9
Jak se tam dostat metrem?
Linkou B do stanice Vysočanská - výstup "Sokolovská ulice" - po výstupu z metra zahnout doleva směr centrum - na první světelné křižovatce zahnout doprava - 200m k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.
Jak se tam dostat tramvají?
Tramvají č. 8 (Podbaba – Nádraží Vysočany) nebo č. 19 (Kubánské náměstí – Lehovec) vystoupit na zastávce Poliklinika Vysočany – vydejte se na začátku parku, přes mostek k areálu Lanového centra PROUD.
S pozdravem
Honza Kubik
CEMS Rope Courses Invitation
Dear CEMSies,
We would like to invite you to a ROPE COURSE which will take place on Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm at Lanove Centrum PROUD - Praha Vysocany. The entrance fee – including equipement and trainer – is CZK300 (CZK240 for students, CZK 200 for those who paid the membership fee).
Your partners/kids are more than welcome to join as the capacity is up to 120 participants.
Please register by Monday 17th August at:, +420 602 458 868.
How to get there by metro?
Line B – get off at Vysocanska station – exit Sokolovska ulice. Turn left in the direction of the city center and at the first lights turn right.
How to get there by tram?
Tram nr. 8 or 19 – stop Poliklinika Vysocany – Go through the park, over a small bridge, in the direction of the rope course.
For more information visit
Best regards
Honza Kubik
We would like to invite you to a ROPE COURSE which will take place on Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm at Lanove Centrum PROUD - Praha Vysocany. The entrance fee – including equipement and trainer – is CZK300 (CZK240 for students, CZK 200 for those who paid the membership fee).
Your partners/kids are more than welcome to join as the capacity is up to 120 participants.
Please register by Monday 17th August at:, +420 602 458 868.
How to get there by metro?
Line B – get off at Vysocanska station – exit Sokolovska ulice. Turn left in the direction of the city center and at the first lights turn right.
How to get there by tram?
Tram nr. 8 or 19 – stop Poliklinika Vysocany – Go through the park, over a small bridge, in the direction of the rope course.
For more information visit
Best regards
Honza Kubik
CEMS Alumni Association - plany pro rok 2009
Mili CEMS Alumni,
jak jste se jiz meli sanci dozvedet, stal jsem se novym prezidentem lokalni CEMS Alumni Association. Rad bych se proto predstavil tem, co me jeste neznaji a nastinil co planuji delat do konce roku v teto pozici.
Jsem absolventem CEMS a VSE z roku 2008. Behem studii jsem stravil jeden semestr na Køng Idrætshøjskole v Dansku (Sokrates) a jeden semestr na HEC v Parizi (CEMS). Od leta 2006 pracuju jako Client Training Executive ve spolecnosti Thomson Reuters. Pokud se chcete dozvedet vic, tak prijdte na nekterou z CEMS Alumni akci! ;)
No a ted co bych rad realizoval do konce roku. Doufam, ze se nam podari zorganizovat vetsinu:
• Na ctvrtek 20.8. od 18:30 jsem pro nas spolecne s CEMS studenty objednal lanove drahy. Poslu separatni email s pozvankou.
• Rad bych, aby se CEMS Drink konal pokazde na jinem miste a vzdy s nejakym tematem prislusnym danemu mistu. Napady na temata a mista jsou samozrejmne vitany. Pristi CEMS drink chci usporadat oncem zari - specialni grilovani u me na zahradce v Dejvicich.
• Do konce roku bych rad zorganizoval nekolik professional events. V soucasne chvili mam prislibenou prezentaci o obchodovani s elektrinou ve spolecnosti CEZ. Dale planuji domluvit navstevu prazske burzy s prezentaci. Za sebe chci nabidnout skoleni zakoncene certifikaci na aplikaci Reuters 3000 Xtra, slouzici k monitorovani a analyze aktualniho deni na financnich trzich.
• Ze sportovnich aktivit bych rad vedle jiz zminenych lanovych drah pokracoval v lezeni, ktere se na jare setkalo s pozitivim ohlasem. Takze az zacnou klesat teploty a nebude dost svetla na sport venku, tak se muzete tesit na lezeckou stenu. Rad bych take navazal na predchozi uspesne vikendove akce, jako napriklad zimni bezky. Dalsi napady, ktere potrebuji jeste rozpracovat jsou: Golf, Sauna...
• Jednou z mych priorit je vetsi propojeni aktivit s CEMS studenty – vzajemna spoluprace a lepsi informovanost o aktivitach.
Pokud mate nekdo nejake napady na spolecne akce, tak se o ne s nami podelte. Radi se inspirujeme!
Honza Kubik
jak jste se jiz meli sanci dozvedet, stal jsem se novym prezidentem lokalni CEMS Alumni Association. Rad bych se proto predstavil tem, co me jeste neznaji a nastinil co planuji delat do konce roku v teto pozici.
Jsem absolventem CEMS a VSE z roku 2008. Behem studii jsem stravil jeden semestr na Køng Idrætshøjskole v Dansku (Sokrates) a jeden semestr na HEC v Parizi (CEMS). Od leta 2006 pracuju jako Client Training Executive ve spolecnosti Thomson Reuters. Pokud se chcete dozvedet vic, tak prijdte na nekterou z CEMS Alumni akci! ;)
No a ted co bych rad realizoval do konce roku. Doufam, ze se nam podari zorganizovat vetsinu:
• Na ctvrtek 20.8. od 18:30 jsem pro nas spolecne s CEMS studenty objednal lanove drahy. Poslu separatni email s pozvankou.
• Rad bych, aby se CEMS Drink konal pokazde na jinem miste a vzdy s nejakym tematem prislusnym danemu mistu. Napady na temata a mista jsou samozrejmne vitany. Pristi CEMS drink chci usporadat oncem zari - specialni grilovani u me na zahradce v Dejvicich.
• Do konce roku bych rad zorganizoval nekolik professional events. V soucasne chvili mam prislibenou prezentaci o obchodovani s elektrinou ve spolecnosti CEZ. Dale planuji domluvit navstevu prazske burzy s prezentaci. Za sebe chci nabidnout skoleni zakoncene certifikaci na aplikaci Reuters 3000 Xtra, slouzici k monitorovani a analyze aktualniho deni na financnich trzich.
• Ze sportovnich aktivit bych rad vedle jiz zminenych lanovych drah pokracoval v lezeni, ktere se na jare setkalo s pozitivim ohlasem. Takze az zacnou klesat teploty a nebude dost svetla na sport venku, tak se muzete tesit na lezeckou stenu. Rad bych take navazal na predchozi uspesne vikendove akce, jako napriklad zimni bezky. Dalsi napady, ktere potrebuji jeste rozpracovat jsou: Golf, Sauna...
• Jednou z mych priorit je vetsi propojeni aktivit s CEMS studenty – vzajemna spoluprace a lepsi informovanost o aktivitach.
Pokud mate nekdo nejake napady na spolecne akce, tak se o ne s nami podelte. Radi se inspirujeme!
Honza Kubik
CEMS Alumni Association - plans for 2009
Dear CEMS Alumni,
As you were already briefed by Petr Malik, I have been elected the president of the local CEMS Alumni Association. Therefore, I would like to introduce myself to those who have not had a chance to meet me in person. As well I would like to shad some light on my plans for the rest of the year.
During my studies at VSE I had spent one semester at Køng Idrætshøjskole in Denmark (Sokrates) and one semester at HEC Paris (CEMS). Since summer 2006 I have been working as a Client Training Executive for Thomson Reuters. If you want to learn more please join one of the events organized by CEMS Alumni Association! ;)
And now the plans for the rest of the year:
• I have already booked Rope Courses for Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm. More info will follow in a separate email.
• I would like to start a tradition of CEMS Drinks being organized at different locations with specific topics from now on. Any ideas are more than welcome. The following CEMS Drink/Barbecue should take place at the end of September and I would like it to take place at my garden at Dejvice.
• Till the end of year I would like to organize several professional events. Currently I have agreed with CEZ on a presentation on electricity trading. Besides, I plan to address Prague Exchange with a request for a visit and presentation there. My own offer is a training on Reuters 3000 Xtra (application for financial markets monitoring and analysis) concluded by official certification.
• Amongst sport activities I plan to follow up with the successful wall climbing events – when the temperature and visibility becomes unbearable for any outdoor activities. As well I would like to keep up to the tradition of weekend CEMS events, such as the cross country skiing weekend during the winter. Other ideas, which need further development, are: golf, sauna…
• One of my priorities is building interconnection with CEMS students – further cooperation and better communication.
Any ideas are warmly welcome!
Best Regards
Honza Kubik
As you were already briefed by Petr Malik, I have been elected the president of the local CEMS Alumni Association. Therefore, I would like to introduce myself to those who have not had a chance to meet me in person. As well I would like to shad some light on my plans for the rest of the year.
During my studies at VSE I had spent one semester at Køng Idrætshøjskole in Denmark (Sokrates) and one semester at HEC Paris (CEMS). Since summer 2006 I have been working as a Client Training Executive for Thomson Reuters. If you want to learn more please join one of the events organized by CEMS Alumni Association! ;)
And now the plans for the rest of the year:
• I have already booked Rope Courses for Thursday 20th August at 6:30 pm. More info will follow in a separate email.
• I would like to start a tradition of CEMS Drinks being organized at different locations with specific topics from now on. Any ideas are more than welcome. The following CEMS Drink/Barbecue should take place at the end of September and I would like it to take place at my garden at Dejvice.
• Till the end of year I would like to organize several professional events. Currently I have agreed with CEZ on a presentation on electricity trading. Besides, I plan to address Prague Exchange with a request for a visit and presentation there. My own offer is a training on Reuters 3000 Xtra (application for financial markets monitoring and analysis) concluded by official certification.
• Amongst sport activities I plan to follow up with the successful wall climbing events – when the temperature and visibility becomes unbearable for any outdoor activities. As well I would like to keep up to the tradition of weekend CEMS events, such as the cross country skiing weekend during the winter. Other ideas, which need further development, are: golf, sauna…
• One of my priorities is building interconnection with CEMS students – further cooperation and better communication.
Any ideas are warmly welcome!
Best Regards
Honza Kubik
2 Aug 2009
Novy prezident asociace
Mili CEMS Alumni,
dovolte mi, abych vam oznamil, ze novym prezidentem nasi prazske CEMS Alumni Asociace byl v utery 28. cervence zvolen Honza Kubik. Honzovi bych chtel poprat hodne stesti v nove funkci a spoustu vydarenych aktivit pro nas, CEMS Alumni.
Funkci vice-prezidenta bude zastavat Vasek Duda a pokladnikem zustava Richard Bejlek. I jim preji Good Luck!
Vam bych chtel zaroven touto cestou podekovat za ucast na akcich, ktere behem meho "prezidentovani" probehly. Jejich organizace a koordinace pro me byla zajimavou zkusenosti. Po mem navratu do CR se urcite rad do CEMS Alumni aktivit zapojim.
S pozdravem,
Petr Malik
dovolte mi, abych vam oznamil, ze novym prezidentem nasi prazske CEMS Alumni Asociace byl v utery 28. cervence zvolen Honza Kubik. Honzovi bych chtel poprat hodne stesti v nove funkci a spoustu vydarenych aktivit pro nas, CEMS Alumni.
Funkci vice-prezidenta bude zastavat Vasek Duda a pokladnikem zustava Richard Bejlek. I jim preji Good Luck!
Vam bych chtel zaroven touto cestou podekovat za ucast na akcich, ktere behem meho "prezidentovani" probehly. Jejich organizace a koordinace pro me byla zajimavou zkusenosti. Po mem navratu do CR se urcite rad do CEMS Alumni aktivit zapojim.
S pozdravem,
Petr Malik
22 Jul 2009
CEMS Alumni Association Prague - President Election
Mili CEMS Alumni,
vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem se dlouhodobe prestehoval do zahranici, odstoupil jsem z funkce prezidenta nasi asociace. Toto oznameni jsem vam rozeslal koncem cervna a zaroven jsem vas pozadal o zvazeni kandidatury na prezidenta asociace.
Chtel bych vas timto pozvat na prezidentskou volbu, ktera probehne v utery 28.7.2009 v 20:00 v restauraci Jedova Chyse, Vodickova ulice 17, kousek od zastavky tram Vodickova ( Stul mame rezervovan od 19:00.
Kandidati na miste predstavi svoji predstavu o dalsim smerovani prazske CEMS Alumni Asociace. V soucasne dobe je jedinym kandidatem Honza Kubik. Pokud nekdo z vas ma jeste zajem kandidovat, dejte mi prosim vedet.
V pripade dotazu se na me nevahejte obratit.
S pozdravem,
Petr Malik
za CEMS Alumni Asociaci
vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem se dlouhodobe prestehoval do zahranici, odstoupil jsem z funkce prezidenta nasi asociace. Toto oznameni jsem vam rozeslal koncem cervna a zaroven jsem vas pozadal o zvazeni kandidatury na prezidenta asociace.
Chtel bych vas timto pozvat na prezidentskou volbu, ktera probehne v utery 28.7.2009 v 20:00 v restauraci Jedova Chyse, Vodickova ulice 17, kousek od zastavky tram Vodickova ( Stul mame rezervovan od 19:00.
Kandidati na miste predstavi svoji predstavu o dalsim smerovani prazske CEMS Alumni Asociace. V soucasne dobe je jedinym kandidatem Honza Kubik. Pokud nekdo z vas ma jeste zajem kandidovat, dejte mi prosim vedet.
V pripade dotazu se na me nevahejte obratit.
S pozdravem,
Petr Malik
za CEMS Alumni Asociaci
20 Jul 2009
CEMS Alumni Association Newsletter
Here comes the first CEMS Alumni Association video newsletter.
This newsletter features:
This newsletter features:
- Introduction of new corporate and academic partners
- Relaunch of the CEMS Magazine
- New format of the Annual Events in Cologne with special Alumni Program
- Upcoming CEMS Alumni Association Survey end of August - support us and participate!
6 Jul 2009
Today we present a common report of CEMS and one of CEMS' corporate partners. Below you can find the letter from the CEMS HQ.
Dear CEMS students and alumni,
We are delighted to be able to share with you the summary report of the results of the CEMS L’Oréal Fellowship: Portrait of a New Generation of Leaders.
We are confident that you will be very keen and excited to discover the different and sometimes unexpected facets of the CEMS students’ personalities. It is the first time ever that we have had at our disposal such a profound and rigorous analysis of the CEMS student profile. We are very grateful to the CEMS research team - Wolfgang Mayrhofer (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Odd Nordhaug (NHH Bergen) and Carlos Obeso (ESADE) - who are well-renowned for their talent and expertise on the subject.
The research project, comprising a series of quantitative and qualitative studies of the CEMS classes of 2008 and 2009, covers the following areas: choosing a job and first employer, life, career and competencies.
The quality and relevance of the resulting report underlines the academic excellence on which the CEMS alliance as a whole is based, from the contributions of the students interviewed through to the tireless work of the three professors mentioned above. In addition, this joint venture has also helped L’Oréal reinforce their position amongst the leaders in HR branding and enabled the CEMS alliance to convey a more positive message regarding the personal and professional values of tomorrow’s business leaders. Our thanks also go to the students who took part in the survey and interview stages of the project.
We are certainly more than open to new proposals of research operations in tandem with our corporate and academic partners, so we hope that this project will kick-start a series of in-depth studies produced by and in the name of CEMS stakeholders. It will be our pleasure to share any such projects with you in the future.
We wish you a pleasant read,
Kevin Titman
Communications Manager
CEMS Head Office.
The report:
Dear CEMS students and alumni,
We are delighted to be able to share with you the summary report of the results of the CEMS L’Oréal Fellowship: Portrait of a New Generation of Leaders.
We are confident that you will be very keen and excited to discover the different and sometimes unexpected facets of the CEMS students’ personalities. It is the first time ever that we have had at our disposal such a profound and rigorous analysis of the CEMS student profile. We are very grateful to the CEMS research team - Wolfgang Mayrhofer (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Odd Nordhaug (NHH Bergen) and Carlos Obeso (ESADE) - who are well-renowned for their talent and expertise on the subject.
The research project, comprising a series of quantitative and qualitative studies of the CEMS classes of 2008 and 2009, covers the following areas: choosing a job and first employer, life, career and competencies.
The quality and relevance of the resulting report underlines the academic excellence on which the CEMS alliance as a whole is based, from the contributions of the students interviewed through to the tireless work of the three professors mentioned above. In addition, this joint venture has also helped L’Oréal reinforce their position amongst the leaders in HR branding and enabled the CEMS alliance to convey a more positive message regarding the personal and professional values of tomorrow’s business leaders. Our thanks also go to the students who took part in the survey and interview stages of the project.
We are certainly more than open to new proposals of research operations in tandem with our corporate and academic partners, so we hope that this project will kick-start a series of in-depth studies produced by and in the name of CEMS stakeholders. It will be our pleasure to share any such projects with you in the future.
We wish you a pleasant read,
Kevin Titman
Communications Manager
CEMS Head Office.
The report:
1 Jul 2009
Zprava od LC prezidenta
Mili CEMS Alumni,
Rad bych vam oznamil nekolik novinek tykajicich se nasi CEMS Alumni asociace:
Petr Malik
Rad bych vam oznamil nekolik novinek tykajicich se nasi CEMS Alumni asociace:
- Ke konci cervna 2009 jsem se rozhodl odstoupit z funkce prezidenta prazske CEMS Alumni asociace. Cinim tak z duvodu meho dlouhodobeho odjezdu mimo Ceskou republiku. Chtel bych vam vsem podekovat za ucast na nasich akcich v uplynulem pulroce a nekterym z vas tez za pomoc s organizaci techto akci. Zaroven bych vas chtel vyzvat, abyste ti z vas, kteri mate zajem, oznamili kandidaturu na noveho prezidenta asociace. Prosim promyslete si to a vas pripadny zajem mi sdelte emailem na petr(dot)malik(et)cemsmail(dot)org do 10. cervence 2009. Volbu usporadame v druhe polovine cervence. V pripade dotazu, co takove prezidentovani obnasi, me nevahejte kontaktovat.
- Pod zastitou evropske centraly CEMS Alumni asociace jsme spustili novy komunikacni nastroj pro sdelovani informaci v ramci nasi asociace. Jedna se o skupiny na Facebook a LinkedIn. Proto prosim ti z vas, kteri na danych internetovych sluzbach mate zrizen ucet, nevahejte se zapojit do skupin. Ziskate tak jistotu, ze se o vsech akcich dozvite vcas. I nadale budeme informace o poradadnych aktivitach rozesilat emailem, k tomu pribude informace na Facebook a LinkedIn a doplnkove budeme stale vyzuzivat alumni blog.
Nazvy a odkazy na skupiny jsou nasledujici: - Facebook: Official CEMS Group Czech Republic,, hlavni administrator skupiny - Jakub Stransky
- LinkedIn: Official CEMS Group Czech Republic,, hlavni administrator skupiny - Vaclav Duda
Petr Malik
7 May 2009
Dalsi lezeni s CEMS Alumni
English version follows
Ahoj CEMS Alumni,
Dalsi lezeni s trenerem jsme naplanovali na 14.5. od 19:30 a opet na stene SC Palmovka (
Cena: 300Kc per capita, sleva 100 Kc pro platici cleny.
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje. Nejlepe bavlna, protoze syntetika se pri soupani po stene muze propalit
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
Ahoj CEMS Alumni,
Dalsi lezeni s trenerem jsme naplanovali na 14.5. od 19:30 a opet na stene SC Palmovka (
Cena: 300Kc per capita, sleva 100 Kc pro platici cleny.
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje. Nejlepe bavlna, protoze syntetika se pri soupani po stene muze propalit
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
Another opportunity to go climbing
Hi CEMS Alumni,
If you have missed the preceeding opportunities to start climbing under the supervision of a skilled trainer (not me:)), you can join us foranother CEMS Alumni Climbing event.
When: 14th May
Where: SC Palmovka (
How much: CZK300 per capita (discount of CZK100 for full CEMS Alumni members)
What: entrance fee (2 hours), climbing set (shoes, rope and othjer devices), trainer's supervision for 2 hours
Capacity: 8 people
To register, please contact Honza Kubik (, +420 602 458 868).
Honza & Petr
If you have missed the preceeding opportunities to start climbing under the supervision of a skilled trainer (not me:)), you can join us foranother CEMS Alumni Climbing event.
When: 14th May
Where: SC Palmovka (
How much: CZK300 per capita (discount of CZK100 for full CEMS Alumni members)
What: entrance fee (2 hours), climbing set (shoes, rope and othjer devices), trainer's supervision for 2 hours
Capacity: 8 people
To register, please contact Honza Kubik (, +420 602 458 868).
Honza & Petr
9 Apr 2009
Seminar o financnich trzich
Milí CEMS Alumni a přátelé CEMSu,
Rádi bychom Vás jménem pražské CEMS Alumni asociace pozvali na seminář o finančních trzích. Přednášku s následnou diskuzí pro nás připravila společnost X-Trade Brokers (brokerská firma působící hlavně na území Evropské unie). Součástí semináře bude i praktická ukázka obchodní aplikace XTB-Trader, kterou společnost nabízí svým klientům.
Datum konání: Čtvrtek, 23. dubna 2009
Čas zahájení: 19:00, předpokládaná délka trvání je 2 hodiny
Místo: Sídlo společnosti XTB ČR, adresa: budova IBC, Pobřežní 3, Praha 8, vedle hotelu Hilton
Rádi bychom Vás jménem pražské CEMS Alumni asociace pozvali na seminář o finančních trzích. Přednášku s následnou diskuzí pro nás připravila společnost X-Trade Brokers (brokerská firma působící hlavně na území Evropské unie). Součástí semináře bude i praktická ukázka obchodní aplikace XTB-Trader, kterou společnost nabízí svým klientům.
Datum konání: Čtvrtek, 23. dubna 2009
Čas zahájení: 19:00, předpokládaná délka trvání je 2 hodiny
Místo: Sídlo společnosti XTB ČR, adresa: budova IBC, Pobřežní 3, Praha 8, vedle hotelu Hilton
Komentář k současnému dění na finančních trzích (Ing. Petr Hlaváč, analytik společnosti XTB ČR)
Informace o obchodovaných instrumentech (Ing. Jaroslav Tupý, Head of customer support, pana Tupého můžete znát z TV – Investorský magazín, Burzovní studio – nebo z rozhlasu)
Prezentace a praktická ukázka obchodní aplikace XTB-Trader (Ing. Jaroslav Tupý)
Vaši registraci prosím posílejte na moji adresu do středy, 15. dubna. V předmětu zprávy uveďte CEMS XTB. Pro případné dotazy jsem k dispozici na emailu nebo telefonu +420 602 766 280. Kapacita semináře je omezena (cca 23 osob), proto prosím Vaše registrace posílejte co nejdříve.
Komentář k současnému dění na finančních trzích (Ing. Petr Hlaváč, analytik společnosti XTB ČR)
Informace o obchodovaných instrumentech (Ing. Jaroslav Tupý, Head of customer support, pana Tupého můžete znát z TV – Investorský magazín, Burzovní studio – nebo z rozhlasu)
Prezentace a praktická ukázka obchodní aplikace XTB-Trader (Ing. Jaroslav Tupý)
Vaši registraci prosím posílejte na moji adresu do středy, 15. dubna. V předmětu zprávy uveďte CEMS XTB. Pro případné dotazy jsem k dispozici na emailu nebo telefonu +420 602 766 280. Kapacita semináře je omezena (cca 23 osob), proto prosím Vaše registrace posílejte co nejdříve.
Kdo je X-Trade Brokers?
X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A. je brokerská firma působící na území Evropské unie v souladu s Nařízením Rady ES č.93/22/EEC z 10. května 1993. Společnost jako obchodník s cennými papíry pracuje pod zákonným dohledem České národní banky. Základním cílem působení X-Trade Brokers je vytváření co nejefektivnějšího a nejvstřícnějšího systému pro uzavírání obchodních transakcí na derivátových trzích měn, indexů, komodit a akcií.
X-Trade Brokers usiluje o dosažení čelní pozice mezi internetovými brokery na derivátovém trhu. Společnost nemá v úmyslu se zabývat investičním poradenstvím, jejím cílem jsou nicméně ativity, které přispějí k růstu povědomí jejích zákazníků o pravidlech fungování finančního trhu. Naše snaha zajistit zákazníkům co nejvyšší kvalitu a pohodlí pro investování byla v roce 2006 oceněna britskou firmou „Callendar Media”, vydavatelem prestižního časopisu „Money Markets”. V kategorii Střední Evropa obsadila skupina X-Trade 1. místo. Společnost se rovněž, jakožto jedna ze dvou firem, dočkala ocenění „Best in class 2005/2006”, přičemž záběr zahrnoval celosvětový trh brokerů působících na maloobchodní úrovni na trhu FOREX.
Petr Malík
X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski S.A. je brokerská firma působící na území Evropské unie v souladu s Nařízením Rady ES č.93/22/EEC z 10. května 1993. Společnost jako obchodník s cennými papíry pracuje pod zákonným dohledem České národní banky. Základním cílem působení X-Trade Brokers je vytváření co nejefektivnějšího a nejvstřícnějšího systému pro uzavírání obchodních transakcí na derivátových trzích měn, indexů, komodit a akcií.
X-Trade Brokers usiluje o dosažení čelní pozice mezi internetovými brokery na derivátovém trhu. Společnost nemá v úmyslu se zabývat investičním poradenstvím, jejím cílem jsou nicméně ativity, které přispějí k růstu povědomí jejích zákazníků o pravidlech fungování finančního trhu. Naše snaha zajistit zákazníkům co nejvyšší kvalitu a pohodlí pro investování byla v roce 2006 oceněna britskou firmou „Callendar Media”, vydavatelem prestižního časopisu „Money Markets”. V kategorii Střední Evropa obsadila skupina X-Trade 1. místo. Společnost se rovněž, jakožto jedna ze dvou firem, dočkala ocenění „Best in class 2005/2006”, přičemž záběr zahrnoval celosvětový trh brokerů působících na maloobchodní úrovni na trhu FOREX.
Petr Malík
za CEMS Alumni asociaci Praha
3 Apr 2009
Seccond opportunity to go climbing
Hi CEMS Alumni,
If you have missed the first opportunity to start climbing under the supervision of a skilled trainer (not me:)), you can join us for the second CEMS Alumni Climbing event.
When: 15th April
Where: SC Palmovka (
How much: CZK300 per capita (discount of CZK100 for full CEMS Alumni members)
What: entrance fee (2 hours), climbing set (shoes, rope and othjer devices), trainer's supervision for 2 hours
Capacity: 8 people
To register, please contact Honza Kubik (, +420 602 458 868).
Honza & Petr
Hi CEMS Alumni,
If you have missed the first opportunity to start climbing under the supervision of a skilled trainer (not me:)), you can join us for the second CEMS Alumni Climbing event.
When: 15th April
Where: SC Palmovka (
How much: CZK300 per capita (discount of CZK100 for full CEMS Alumni members)
What: entrance fee (2 hours), climbing set (shoes, rope and othjer devices), trainer's supervision for 2 hours
Capacity: 8 people
To register, please contact Honza Kubik (, +420 602 458 868).
Honza & Petr
Dalsi opicarny na lezecke stene
Ahoj CEMS Alumni,
nestihli jste prvni termin lezeni? Nic si z toho nedelejte, naplanovali jsme dalsi termin. A nebojte se, ze byste byli nejak pozadu pokud jste na prvnim terminu chybeli!
Dalsi lezeni s trenerem probehne 15.4. od 19:30 a opet na stene SC Palmovka (
Cena: 300Kc per capita (platici clenove CEMS Alumni asociace sleva 100Kc)
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje. Nejlepe bavlna, protoze syntetika se pri soupani po stene muze propalit.
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Muzete se take tesit na doplneni tekutin, ktere bude samozrejmne nasledovat po extremnich vykonech na stene! To uz je ale na nasi domluve primo na miste:).
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
nestihli jste prvni termin lezeni? Nic si z toho nedelejte, naplanovali jsme dalsi termin. A nebojte se, ze byste byli nejak pozadu pokud jste na prvnim terminu chybeli!
Dalsi lezeni s trenerem probehne 15.4. od 19:30 a opet na stene SC Palmovka (
Cena: 300Kc per capita (platici clenove CEMS Alumni asociace sleva 100Kc)
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje. Nejlepe bavlna, protoze syntetika se pri soupani po stene muze propalit.
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Muzete se take tesit na doplneni tekutin, ktere bude samozrejmne nasledovat po extremnich vykonech na stene! To uz je ale na nasi domluve primo na miste:).
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
26 Feb 2009
CEMS Kurz lezeni
Ahoj CEMS Alumni,
mame pro vas dalsi zajimavou sportovni aktivitu - kurz lezeni. Prvni termin lezeni s trenerem probehne ve ctvrtek 26.3. od 20:00 na stene SCPalmovka ( a planujeme opakovani kazdy mesic.
Cena: 300Kc per capita
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje.
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
mame pro vas dalsi zajimavou sportovni aktivitu - kurz lezeni. Prvni termin lezeni s trenerem probehne ve ctvrtek 26.3. od 20:00 na stene SCPalmovka ( a planujeme opakovani kazdy mesic.
Cena: 300Kc per capita
V cene: vstup na 2 hodiny, kompletni vybaveni, trener na 2 hodiny
Obleceni doporucujeme pohodlne sportovni, ve kterem se vam dobre pohybuje.
Kapacita je omezena na pouhych 8 lidi kvuli trenerovi (pokud nekdo jiz leze a chce se zucastnit individualne, pak se na nej omezeni nevztahuje a plati pouze vstup + pujcovne).
Registrace a vic informaci u Honzy Kubika (, +420 602 458 868). Vzhledem k omezene kapacite poctu lidi plati pravidlo Kdo se driv prihlasi...
Tesime se na vas!
Honza a Petr
16 Feb 2009
Thomson Reuters CEMS Alumni Beach Tournament
Hello CEMS Alumni!!
In the name of Thomson Reuters I would like to invite you and your partner/spouse to our Beach Tournament.
The tournament takes place on Sunday, March 15 from 18:00 to 21:00 and will be followed by an informal chat at the Beach Klub bar. Soft drinks and beer are at our expense.
A standard team should consist of three players out of which at least one should be feminine, but exceptions are allowed. :) From our part at least two teams are ready to match up with you!
Your registrations should be sent to:
Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead so that we are able to finish the tournament on time. Looking forward to seeing you!
Beachklub Praha - Pankrác, školní areál Praha 4, Horáčkova ul.
In the name of Thomson Reuters I would like to invite you and your partner/spouse to our Beach Tournament.
The tournament takes place on Sunday, March 15 from 18:00 to 21:00 and will be followed by an informal chat at the Beach Klub bar. Soft drinks and beer are at our expense.
A standard team should consist of three players out of which at least one should be feminine, but exceptions are allowed. :) From our part at least two teams are ready to match up with you!
Your registrations should be sent to:
Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead so that we are able to finish the tournament on time. Looking forward to seeing you!
Beachklub Praha - Pankrác, školní areál Praha 4, Horáčkova ul.
6 Feb 2009
Salza aneb proc bychom se netopili
Dost bylo Vltavy (tedy nic proti ní!), je na čase si sjet něco trošku divočejšího. A proto vyrážíme na rakouskou řeku Salza. Víkendová akce pro zdatnější vodáky i začátečníky (se zdatnějším zadákem). Pro CEMSáky i partnery/ky.
V tabulce je cena za výstroj. Vychází z toho, že si věci půjčíte v pátek po 15:00. Liší se podle toho, jestli ji vrátíte v pondělí do 11:00 nebo později. Vratná záloha je uvedena pro případ, že si půjčujete i loď. Pokud byste si ji nepůjčovali, jsou zálohy jiné (blíže viz stránky Boatparku).Cena za kemp je 6,10 EUR noc, tj. 12,20 EUR (auto příp. 2,5 EUR /noc). Summa summarum bez dopravy to vychází na cca 1250 – 1390 Kč / os. K tomu je potřebné připočítat náklady na dopravu (záleží na počtu lidí v autě) a taky nesmíte zapomenout na pojištění.
Harmonogram / další postup
V případě dotazů, připomínek, návrhů se ozvěte mně na Vojta Opleštil, CEMS Alumnus 2007
Externí zdroje / další informace
Kdo nemá vlastní, vybavení si půjčí (viz dále), v pátek odpoledne se vlastními auty přesuneme k Salze. Na nafukovacích Pálavách sjedeme řeku v sobotu a v neděli. V sobotu spíše lehčí část, v neděli tu trošku náročnější (a zábavnější!). A v neděli v pozdějším večeru zpátky do Prahy.Ubytování bude pod stany v campu ve Wildalpenu (musíte se dohodnout, s kým budete stan sdílet a samozřejmě si stan také opatřit).
Harmonogram / další postup
- Do 28. února mi pošlete mailem ( předběžnou registraci (určitě pojedu, pojedu, pokud budu mít čas).
- Až budu mít seznam předběžně registrovaných, rozešlu ho, abyste si případně mohli domluvit posádky na dopravu a osádky stanů, případně též osádky lodí.
- Do 24. dubna zaplaťte zálohu 900,- Kč na účet CEMS Alumni Clubu (1201001258/5500, Reiffeisenbank), do zprávy pro příjemce uveďte svoje příjmení.
- Pro ty, kteří zaplatili zálohu, zařídím rezervaci věcí k zápůjčce.
- 22. května – posádky vozů si v Boatparku vyzvednou zapůjčené věci, doplatí zálohy a vyrazí na cestu (odpoledne nebo večer, v závislosti na domluvě jednotlivých osádek vozidel).
- Návrat do Prahy 24. května (večer, v závislosti na domluvě jednotlivých osádek vozidel).
- 25. května – vrácení zapůjčených věcí.
V případě dotazů, připomínek, návrhů se ozvěte mně na Vojta Opleštil, CEMS Alumnus 2007
Externí zdroje / další informace
27 Jan 2009
Clenstvi v CEMS Alumni Club Prague
Navod na zaplaceni clenskych prispevku:
Prispevky je mozne platit online na strankach (Po zalogování do Vaseho profilu na CEMS.ORG v sekci MY SETINGS, PAYMENT ONLINE. Placeni prispevku s sebou prinasi mnozstvi vyhod, jako napriklad:
CEMS Alumni Club Prague
Prispevky je mozne platit online na strankach (Po zalogování do Vaseho profilu na CEMS.ORG v sekci MY SETINGS, PAYMENT ONLINE. Placeni prispevku s sebou prinasi mnozstvi vyhod, jako napriklad:
- Priorita a sleva na akcich poradanych prazskym CEMS Alumni klubem
- Moznost zucastnit se annual events v Koline (bez zaplaceni prispevku registrace neni mozna)
- Sleva na panevropske akce
- CEMS magazin
- Maly darek
CEMS Alumni Club Prague
CEMS Alumni Prague - planovane akce na rok 2009
CEMS Alumni Club Prague
- CEMS lyzarsky vikend: 20. az 22. unora, Jizerske hory (bezky, lyze, snowboard)
- Turnaj v plazovem volejbale: unor nebo brezen
- Divoka voda (Salza): 23. az 24. kvetna
- Paintball: podzim
- Cyklovylet Vinne stezky Moravy: leto
- Golf pro zacatecniky: podzim
- CEMS sauna: zima a podzim
- Zaklady lezeni: brezen, duben, kveten nebo cerven
- Hospudka, koncert, drink apod.: v prubehu roku 2x az 3x
- Uvar si sam: pravdepodobne kveten nebo podzim
CEMS Alumni Club Prague
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